Oh wow

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Kevin woke up with the smell of bacon.

Looking at the clock it was at least an hour before he usually wakes up. He tried to block out the sound of sizzling bacon and the smell of eggs.

His mouth began to water thinking how long it has been since he had a decent breakfast. When he left home his life was an endless junk food and pizza dump.

And so at 7 am he was up and went to his bathroom wanting to take a shower. He began taking off his used clothes and tossed them in a hamper by his door. Edd didn't look like he wanted to be anywhere near his room anything soon.

Well... if Nat didn't freak the dork out last night mabey the dork would trust him. Ugh... Honestly is it too much to ask to have a friend who doesn't strip naked for the world to see?

As soon as he opened his bathroom door he froze in disgust.

Broken shampoo and body wash bottles were covering the tub and floor. Toilet paper was wadded up in clumps thrown to the ceiling. In between some old beer bottles on the counter was something red and sparkling.

"What's this?"




Oh my fuck god! There a size 14, bedazzled and had a large " N " on them ...Red Speedos...😱

Kevin hand drop the disturbing piece as quick as he could. Regrettably forgetting the slippery mess on the floor he fell backwards.



"Kevin?! Are you ok-😶-"

So here is Kevin. Naked on the floor and facing his nerdy maid... who was staring at him in all his naked glory...while wearing a small pink apron.

Nothing could have stopped him from turning red... It was no doubt Embarrassment and shock that stained his cheeks red. No it wasn't the fact that the apron was fitted for a woman actually suited him nicely...




'What the hell is I going to say to you now?'

_______time skip_______

Needless to say stepping out his bedroom was fucking awkward to say the least. Kevin saw that the double dork wouldn't make eye contact with him. He pretended to straighten his tie while watching the dork from the corner of his eye.


Edd placed a plate of heaven infront of him. Fluffy yellow scrambled eggs perfectly layed next to some crisply looking bacon and potatoes. And hold fuck were those pancakes on the side! He didn't even know they had strawberry syrup!

In his food daze Edd made his way to the other side of the table. Kevin could hear a nagging voice telling him to listen but then there was a even louder voice screaming at him to eat.

"Um Kevin can we talk?"


(K:) 'Dammn this is. So. Good'

Kevin couldnt hear him. He didn't want to. The food In front of his was mouthwatering to look at and fucking delicious!

"I-I know that you a grown man-"

'(K:) Is he saying somethin? Another bite and I'll start listening'

"And i know we didn't really know each other as children but-"

'(K:) This is fucking delicious'

" It's just... I didn't expect you have grown up to be so much of a pervert.'

"...huh?" 😦

It was when he heard the word "pervert he stopped eating. For a second he thought the need was talking about Nat bit then...

" I just don't understand why you wear those things like that to bed. Arent they-"


"!!!!!!!😲woah.woah.woah.woah! Back up those wernt- They AREN'T mine!"

Kevin felt his face flush horribly! He slammed his hands making the silverware and dork to jump. What the hell was this dude thinking!? He would NEVER wear thing like that! Edd looked taken back but regained himself rather quickly.

"W-well what am I supposed to think when I found your friend naked in your bathroom. Then you n-naked with a pair stripper undies!"


God he sounds like a teenager who is trying to explain his stash of porn to his mom. When Kevin looked up he was surprised that the dork he knew from childhood. Was playing with the rim of his apron and blushing so badly Kevin would dare to call him-





"Kevin Bro-ham! Let's -.... Am I intruppting somethin??"😦

For once Kevin was thankful that his assistant had no since of privacy. When Double Dee started to be uncomfortable with Nat he too a few steps back. At that moment Kevin jumped from his seat and grabbed his assistant by the collar and bolted.

"Got to go dork! Don't wait up! Bye!😅"

[Slam- click]

"Wait Kevin you forgot-

Edd let out a deep sigh😧. After what happened in the bathroom he tried his best not imagine the red heads naked body. He was hoping to start a conversation with the man.

HE went to the fridge and pulled out a green lunchbox. Kevin was supposed to take it so he doesn't have to eat junk food everyday.

'Should I take it to him?'


Hello people! How are you! IF you like what you read tell me about it. Also if I skrew up or you just have an idea of what should happen next that's great to.

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