Before the storm

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Nat was alone in Kevin's office.

Covering for his boy was near impossible. All the work Kev used to do was was his job now and it was making it hard to find his boy. If he sent the troops out and the media found out it would be a Shit-fest they won't be able to deal with. Not to metion if Kevin doesn't make an appearance at the next board meeting they might fire him.

"None of this makes sense."

First, a text from came from Kevin's cell saying him and ass-tastic Edd ran off with each other. But then he doesn't answer his texts and using GPS doesn't work if the phone is off. That was the first question. Kevin loved his company and taught tooth and nail to protect his employees. If he got his messages then he would know that with the multiple system crashes and other shit.

Even with all the obvious sabatoge his uncle still can't jest plainly tell them to fuck off. Beacuse of the legal contract and lack of evidence. Nobody could touch them. If Blackbear was going to run them in the ground then why run off?

"Damn it dude. Where are you"


Kevin spent the first day exhaustingly looking for some sort of exit or door. The lack of sunlight and claustrophobia were starting to mess with him. When he gets out of here hes getting a 4 day shower and buying the penthouse.

He never felt so gross in his entire life. And he once spent hours stuck on a wall covered in cereal and spit by that dork-zilla.*

Kevin discover that the black walls were cold and sealed completely shut. That there were no kind of windows or doors just black metal. The only thing in the room was a candlelight, a medal toilet and a slot that dilervered food. It would appear randomly in the room that delivered him food some stale bred and warm cheese.

What he assumed was the couple of hours he figured he tried to give an idea of who this guy was. Someone obviously had a grudge against some before edd even came into the picture. Everything leading up to the moment where he was taking away seeing ed screaming face he knew he lost.

If I found out who this person was on the other side of the screen then it wouldn't change anything. I would still be locked in this claustrophobic prison and edd, the love of my life, would be in the hands of someone terrible.

He has to get the dude to slip up.

Something he won't expect and not pay attention to. If he could get a message out with out him knowing. It will be hard to call an 'the police. The people who crossed his mind were hard to remember after so long. He had to call the right person to get the message, they can work it out, and save edd.

His opinions were pretty limited.

-Eddy... Wont believe him.

-The Kankers..... Hell no. Too much on there criminal records not to pop up a red flag.

Sarah... On her honeymoon with Jimmy. Shed kill him for trying

-Rolf.... well he doesn't have a phone in the old country. The only way to get a message to him is taping a letter to the back leg of a goat.


There were so many things that go wrong but without a doubt he chose. But first he needed to get the message to someone that could understand it and pass it on.


His voice was cracked and dry. There was no answer for a while. So he tried again.

"I know your there.... Dont try and act like you can't hear me..."

"... Your still alive? I thought by now you would have just lied down and die."

Kevin felt the anger rising in his chest but beat it down. He was close to growling like an animal but held back. His body was still very weak and he was on the verge of passing out. His legs shaked as he stared at the lit up screen. He couldn't see anything but a red leather back of an antique chair.

"Yea... I know I'm gonna die.Youve made that clear with the shorting of food. I just...Let me say one last thing to him."

"...A last request? You dont want a happy meal or something?"

"No. I just.... I want to tell him goodbye."

"....Fine.... And try not to do anything stupid."

Kevin was given a phone in the slot to the right of him. A small cheap black prepaid button phone slid across the room to him. It felt like his uncles and snapped open. He forgot that they had these. He was so used to the iPhone Ultimate G8 that this was a blast to the past. Edds number was already there on the screen. He needed to make this believable.

The phone started ringing.

He waited.

Then heard a click from the other line. Edds voice calmed him down and almost made him cry. Particularly because of the shaky sad sniffles in the dorks breathing.

[Edd: Sniff... Apologies. This is Eddward Vincent. May I ask who is this?]

"...Dee. Its me."

[Edd" KEVIN?! Why a-."

"Dee. Listen to me please. I dont have a lot of time to say this. I know I left you in a sticky situation even before we had breakfast."

[Edd: What? Kevin your not making sense."

"Listen. You and Dork-zilla take care of yourself beacuse anything between me and you is done. You and Jim have fun in Funkytown. Goodbye Eddward."

[Edd: Kevin!]

The call ended.

Kevin knew the Dork would get it. He just prayed to God that the dork knew some kind of Pop culture.... Or at least. Aw Shit. He may have fucked up on this one...

Mabey he should have called his mom. She would know what he was trying to say. Woman can't be taken away from Netflix to save her life.

Real quick..

Funytown was a codeword from supernatural if you didnt know. I love supernatural.

*yes that really happened. Google it. They made it out of cereal and cardboard

C2ndyCid- is this correct- made Nat.
Just giving credit to the creator of this dude

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