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The poor virgin mind of the sweet little Edd boy couldn't comprehend the naked man in front of him.

The said man with light teal hair and almost 6 feet tall still stood in the doorway of the master bath. Edd couldn't help but look at a certain anatomy part as it dangled .

"Hello beautiful. I'm Nat... wanna fuck?"




"AHHHHHHH!" Edd screams as quickly moves for the bedrooms doorknob. For a split second he wishes that he were like most people and keep his phone on him at all times. Mabey if he did then he wouldn't in this situation.

Edd didn't make it past the door when the teal haired man called Nat slammed the door closed with his hand. The terrified little nerd jumped back from his only exit blocked by a pervert.

"Hey-hey-hey! Listen. Just wanted to mess with ya!"

Terribly scenarios playing one after another flashed in beanie boys head." messed with?" Does he mean sex!? Edd was now so scared of a possible rape by the unknown man he started to cry. The other-yes he's still naked Nat has no shame- would have looked concerned to the nerd if he actually had something on.

Nat took a step closer out of concern but it was a wrong move. Edd reacted from the survival instinct he developed with the Kankers. Those girls sexual harassed him and his friends almost on a daily basis.

Edd saw how the man was coming closer to him and reaching his hand out to him... and talking about "messing around".

"Noooooooooo!" Edd grabbed the nearest object on Kevin's nightstand and hit it against the man's... that object just so happens to be a beer bottle.


The beer bottle bottom shattered in impact and successfully knocking out the man out. As he fell to the floor Edd back up against the the wall pointed the broken bottle at the man on the ground.

When Edd didn't see him move he thought he was safe. Before Edd could leave the room be saw a red stain coming from the teal haired man.

As much as he was scared of the man he first started to apply first aid...after he got him covered up. He threw a dead sheet over the man's..  junk and applied first aid. When he was done he went to go call the cops.


"Hello New York police department please state you emergency or disturbance."

"[Sniff]Hello my name is Edward Vincent and I like to report an assault."

"Ok dear are you ok? Please tell me where the assailant went and where you are"

"I'm at...home the Baxter apartments. 45 floor, room 36 B. the man came from the bathroom naked saying he wanted to "mess around". He stopped me from leaving to call you sooner. He blocked the door and...[sniff] stared to walk  towards me."

"The police are on there way can you tell me where the assault went."

"He's.. he's in the floor. I grabbed a beer bottle in the night stand and he fell to the floor. He's not dead I checked and applied first aid."

" that's were noble of you sir the Police are 5 minutes away form you now. They should be there shortly."

[Click click]

"Oh thank goodness I can hear them come now."

Edd with broken bottle still at hand ran to the front door.

"Dork ! What happened! Are you ok?!"

Edd didn't know what else to do when the red head gripped his shoulders so firmly. A rush of relief and safety filled his rapidly beating heart. He dropped the bottle and cried in his old bullies arms clinging to him as he cried.


Thankfully the safe space between Kevin's arms didn't loosen. A loud yell came from the bedroom as two officers handcuffed the now conscious and dressed (police had boxer shorts) to the ground and began to pull him to the living room.

"It's not what it looks like! I swear! Kevin?! Hey man tell them I passed out in your bathroom at the party last night!" Kevin's eyes trailed from the bandage on his... friend? Fellow partyer? Then back at the scrawny nerd in his arms. Wait in his arms?


Kevin eased away from the dork and faced the Police officers. He tried to play it off but coughing and straining out his suit. Edd was a little disappointed that the warmth of his arms didn't stay for a bit longer. Questioning his priorities later he focused on the problem now.

"Ok what happened dork? Why is my dumb as assistant 'bout to be taken away in cuffs."

"You know him?"

"Yea he's a friend of mine. He passed out in the bathroom last night and I didn't want to touch his naked ass. I completely forgot about him. Sorry."

Edd looked at the man naked and sitting between two officers. He had bright teal hair (He's natural ), a silver nipple piercing , and yes bald ass naked.

"Oh. Well I saw him coming out of the bathroom naked. Then he um.. He asked if we could do "it". When i tried to leave he blocked the door and stared slowly walk to me. I admit i panicked and grabbed a beer bottle on your night stand and knocked it over his head. I did patch him up but it will take me a while to get the blood out of the carpet."

"... Pffft! Hahaha oh shit I didn't expect that! Man you got you ass handed to you by my childhood nerd!"


"Hahaha! Double D man your something else aren't ya. Heh heh heh."

The cops were still standing in the middle of the comical performance didn't know what to do. What this man a friend that was in the wrong place at the wrong time? Was this just a misunderstanding with the couple and a friend?

"I'm sorry sir but do you want to press charges or should we let him go?" One officer boldly holding the naked teal man. 

"...Well I suppose that it was my fault for jumping to conclusions. And Kevin says that your ok... Alright I don't press charges".

"Well look at that Goldberg someone with a heart actually is dropping the charges on your stupid ass."

Edd watched as the female officer uncuffed Nat and left him on the floor. Nat just looked up as Edd retreated to him room. Still insure about the man but didn't want to say out loud.

"... He's a keeper."

"Shut up Nat"

What to do next🤔🤔.

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