Well that happened

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The morning sun broke through the office blinds. The rays of light made striped patterns that covered the office. Laying oh so close together was  two figures.

The larger red headed one layed half naked with a smaller one in his arms. Late last night Kevin found it uncomfortable sleeping in a suit so must have taken it off. He was now wearing boxers and a mussel shirt.

The light was now set on Edd's eyes. He groaned turning over wanting to sink back into the impossibly warm bed. Unfortnally he was one of those people that when woken can't go back to sleep.


Edd could feel the softness of the bed and blankets surround him. There was something heavy on his stomach but Edd wasn't bothered by it. . . Untill it moved.

Edd's face woke up to the glory that was Kevin's chest. His body was press so firmly that he could feel every crack and crevis of Kevin's marvelous body. Edd's face was locked in the neck of Kevin Barr.

Kevins muscular body held him tight in place. Any time Edd tried to move he unknowingly grinded Kevin's lower half. Legs tangled together overnight made it hard for Edd to break free. Without meaning to Edd's thigh that was between Kevin's leg wiggled for freedom.

' Oh dear Lord'

Kevin's smile couldnt have confused edd more. Kevins bit his lip when he smiled. Content with the pleasure his dick was getting. But when the pleasure left Kevin's body tried hard to find it again.



This began the push and pull of the two. One would grind trying to releasing sexual pleasure that was building up. And the other fought the pleasure that was effecting him. Any time Edd would try and escape Kevin's hold Kevin's grip would get tighter.

Edd could feel Kevin's pulse and breathing getting faster. Matching his own.

'Edd cease this at once! Kevin's your friend and employer! This isnt-'


Edd had succumbed to the pleasure. Kevin's breath tickled his neck. Every thrust pushed the two closer and closer over the edge. Edd couldn't even think of what will happen when they finish. Kevin's hands were now on his ass. Holding his pelvis in place while Kevin's thrusts were starting to get faster than before.

"Aah! Kevin! Please-[gasp!]

"Hnng!. . .[mumbles: Edd]"


.  (Well shit.)


The climax of both was and Kevin was monumental. Wet patches were squishing together connecting both parties. The smell of sex filled the room to the point where it making Edd dizzy. Even though they didn't have sex it sure felt that way to Edd.

The heaving breath if both the nerd and his ex-bully mellowed out.

Edd wondered if this is what it felt like. To have a lover hold you close after inercorse or sexual activity. Kevin's arms still held him close but were more loving. He could feel Kevin's smile growing without seeing his face.

Edd was trapped in the arms of a horny cuddle monster.


"Well shit. . . You sure move fast for a little guy."

Edd's eyes nearly popped out of his head. A familiar voice came from behind him. Slowly turning his head he faced the male occupating the doorway.

Behind him was the teal haired man called Nat. He was Kevin's assistant Edd met almost immeaditly after becoming Kevin's housekeeper. Thankfully this time the man was clothed.

Nat wore a fitted dark gray dress pants. The white under short matched wonderfully with the black vest. Nat smiled as he put- was that a phone?! Did he just put a phone in his pocket!?

"I-I think. I-uh"

Nat walked around the couch/bed and faced the two love birds on the bed. Kevin was still asleep happly holding Edd closer in his chest.

"Now what shall we do about this.


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