Sweet love

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Edd didn't know what to make of this situation.

"[Ahem] Yea. Oh Shit. Listen Dee I got to go. Love ya "

Even if it was an accident he never bad anyone tell him they love him before. Edd asentmindly stored the chopped veggie in the sause.

" L-Lov? Me?! I - Uh. BYE!"

Yes it must be a slip of the tongue but. . . Why did it make him so happy? He didn't know how to approach this. Yes they knew each other for majority of childhood but he just moved in a few days ago!

". . .Love ya. . . "

Edd bit his lip and tried to hold back his smile. He set the sause on simmer and went to his room to get cleaned up.

His room was now a organized and clean success. His clothes were either handing up or in the small dresser. Any dirt or mess was truoughly sanitized or bleached. The "kiss the cook" apron was hanged on the up on on the door.

"I should shower before dinner. Kevin should be home soon."


Kevin Pov.

Kevin opened the door to his (their) apartment. He was greeted by a sliy image of his pervy fantasy. Edd was wearing an apron and blushing. His haor was slightly wet. Most likely from a shower.

"K-Kevin! W-welcome home."

Kevin tried not to think of this being a wifely greeting and closed the door. That fantasy was the achohal's influence and nothing else. He wasn't in love with Dee.

Kevin pulled off his coat and put it on the nearby rack. Anything else he had in him was left on the kitchens counter. A small "huff" came from Edd and Kevin thaught it was adorable.

He sat down and started pouring him self some iced water. When he looked up he saw Edd in that apron and mittens placing the spagettii in the center of the table.

Kevin's eyes grew wide as the light made his dork look like an angel. But as soon as Eds looked at him

"Kevin! I'll go get you a towel.

"N-No I'm fine it's just water Edd. Nothing to fuss about."

'Besides a little cold water is just what I need.'

Edd didn't listen to him and brought him a towel from the kitchen. After he brought the towel he began serving the food.

"So uh Edd about earlier. . . When I said t-that I L-LOVE you. I uh didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..

Edd wanted to smile so badly. For some reason he was glad that Kevin didn't take it back or calling it a mistake. The rational part of his brain said the he was just being nice. A way to apologize to a friend.

"N-No Kevin I understand. It just came to me as a shock that's all."

"Oh really. [Ahem] Good I. Just good."

Neither boys made eye contact. They just started to eat their food. If they looked at each other in that moment they would have noticed how incredibally cute the other was. Kevin was trying to be aloof and blushing up a storm. While his nerdy maid (Not the time for a fantasy) was trying his best not to stare at the wetshirted boss.

"[Clears throat] So Dork. Tell me about your self. Where are the other Ed's. I thought you would be a doctor or working with Eddy on get quick rich schemes"

Kevin did his best not to spit at Eddys name. He hates that little shit beyond reason. Always causing trouble, chasing him with giant needles, FUCKING DESTROYING HIS HOUSE. And hogging Edd to him- wait. shit he did it again.

"Well. I was close to graduating with my Doctorial degree. I found out recently that my parents ran away and left me with their dept. These men kicked me out of my apartment.l soon after.  I left most of my stuff behind. My phone was cut off and I have no way of contacting anyone. Even if I wanted to contact Eddy or Ed wouldn't know their numbers "

Kevin listened and wondered how bad things could have gone if it were him. His parents loved him but were on a vacation in the Bahamas. Rolf was on the other side of the world. And Nat would most likely be drunk in a ditch.

"So what happen to you guys. I know everything up to me leaving but that's it."

"Well when Ed moved with Rolf back to his country. Eddy decide that he wanted to live with his brother and "learn the ropes" of a proper business man. I haven had contact with them since. Don't get me wrong Ed still sends me pictures and stale toast. But nothing from Eddy. Oh how I miss them dearly."

Kevin mentally groaned. How could that dork miss Eddy. Ed he could understand but why Eddy? His fists tighten with the thought of how much those Ed's got in trouble beacuse of that short Ass. Kevin decided he didn't want to heat any more about that little shit and changed the subject.

"When you were kicked out of your home. Did you leave anything behind?"

Edd didn't mind the sudden change in the conversation but it did get him thinking about thought about all the things that left behind.

His clothes were replaceable that's for sure. His books were all memorized and mostly for aesthetics. Mabey what he missed the most was his plant cactus 'Jim".

"Its just in the rush I wasn't able to get Jim from my room."

Kevin hated the fact that this dork was able to make his heart jump and clench with every word. He wished they were closer as children. Mabey he could have helped him sooner. Been with him since the Beginning. Seen his smile everyday and protect him from harm.

". . .Well let's go then."

Edd's face instantly brighten at him. He honestly didn't understand why Dee's parents let such a adorable kid out of their sights. Kevin just went to get his keys and wallet on the counter.

"Huh? What do you mean Kevin? Go where?"

Kevin just looked back at the dork like he was crazy. He open the door and looked back at the dork.

"Were going to get Jim."

"B-But Kevin they have the place sealed off. The police put yellow tape on the door."

Kevin saw that the dork wasn't moving so he took action. He grabbed Dee's hand and began to drag Edd out the door. Kevin felt the spark of something come from his hand.

The forgotten food was left there on the table as Kevin was going to play "white knight" to a plant.


What should happen next? Any ideas?

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