The Truth

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Let the dreamscape consume you. Forget about yourself and everything else.

Edward could still remember the feeling of the disgust when he went unemployment office on that Saturday afternoon.

He was out of a job before he could even graduate with his degree and living off pennies. He was supposed to be I don't standing doctor or engineer ahead of his time. Edd was conned out of home in everything in is account by the very people that brought him life.

He remember Kevin before they met awkwardly in his apartment. Eddy would often get him into trouble with the neighboring kids with scams and tricks. Kevin was the popular red head that at the heart of the most beautiful girl in the neighborhood. He often wondered what would have happened if he meet Kevin first instead off eddy.

Years later, Kevin has grown up to be a marvelous and generous man. Kevin broke his expectations by becoming a powerful official in his uncle's company. The once bully allowed him into his life as a housekeeper. That warm feeling was becoming more distant like a dream.

The Kevin he knows now is kind and loving just like the one in real life. Being in Kevin's arms feels right.

"Eddward~...." said a stale voice in the dark.

There was something about that that scared him... He could feel a rough fabric brush on his arm and back. Edd wanted to stay in the dream haze with Kevin where it was safe. Something rough and callous scratched the back of his neck and pressed deep in his skin.

"----", A distorted echo in his head.
This was softer....  but weaker. Almost like a struggled whisper.

A throbbing in his head whenever the voice tries to reach out to him. Sleep sounded so pleasant. Edd could recognize the sound of pain in its voice.

Who was screaming?

The screaming was getting louder the more the tightness wrapped around him more tighter. Uncomfortable. Suffocating. He tried to move away from this feeling but it wouldn't let up.

What's going on? Why can't he move? Panic.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" Kevin's voice broke through the darkness.

The loudness of Kevin voice shocked him from his sleep daze. The sun was setting in the already dark room. A golden light filled in from the three large windows. Two black leather. Edd's eyes were heavy but he made out two figures on the ground feet away from him.

Covered over the room in a orange light. There was a heavy smell of something metallic like iron.

Kevin and eddy were sitting on the floor inches away from each other. The smell of iron was sickening and heavy in the air. Kevin was struggling to keep himself up right. His body was thin with malnutrition and really pale.

'But Kevin isn't bleeding then who?'

"Shit! That stings."

Eddy pushed himself with one arm off the floor. His white shirt was stained red  from a small wound just below the ribcage. The wound seemed serious and he was losing blood fast. Edd remembered the crash but his head hurt too much. Did he black out? What happened?

There was a click in the air and Edd felt a small cold metal touch his temple.Edd could feel tears in his eyes start to form when he found himself in the arms of Eddys brother. His small body was trapped in the arms of a man. The closeness of the mans face to his ear gave him a loss for words.

"Look at this.... Hes waking up..." a voice in his ear made his heart jump in the worst way.

"...." Edd said nothing.

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