Sexy Edd

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Previously =)
Kevin got a mysterious e-mail from :an unknown sender. The video attached showed him and his friend (edd) grinding on each other.
Edd is getting blackmailed in a fun way...

- - continue!- -

Kevin struggled with deleting the
e-mail. A small( big) part of him wanted desperatly to save the video. The sounds of what happened this early morning was enough to rile him up for the entire day. He still wasn't sure if edd was up for the whole thing or just left hours after... Sitting at his desk his wasn't sure how he was going to explain this one professional wise. What was he going to say to the Tech guys?

' Someone recorded me and my personal male maid basically Fucking with our clothes on. Find out who sent this and while your at it fire me right now!!!'

Kevin for the sake of his sanity and his new underware he pushed email in a private folder. He didn't have time for this right now. The pile his uncle gave him yesterday was only half way done. A soft clicking of his pen and he began his work. As time past he began to lose himself in his work...

[Soft giggling...]

Kevin though he heard something but he ignored it and continued writing. His migraine was starting to come back with full force. For a moment he let go of his pen and stretched out his cramping hand. Outside his door Kevin could hear soft clicking of heels and laughing. Kevin brushed a hand through his red hair hoping to massage his throbbing head. Who ever was wearing those heels were killing him. With every click of her heels pushed Kevin buttons even more. He picked up the landline and pages his assistant/secretary Nat.

"[BEEP] Hey man. Can you tell them to keep it down... I got a monster headache."


No answer came from the speaker. Kevin thought he actually found his moment of peace.  His head still burned with every blink of his dry red eyes but he thanked God for the silence. Everything was great... until a loud girlish scream that made Kevin's head ring. The scream was loud and painful that it made him jump up from his seat and rush to his door. He slammed open his door and stared out at his employees that jumped. Everyone scurried back to their cubical's bitting their lips and shushing the others.

The "Tap... tap... tap" sound of heels caught his attention and he followed them till he found the culprit.... well the backside atleast.


He stood frozen with his eyes hooded and filled with a predatory gaze... The words in his throat made him choke on his salvia. All the blood rush to his groin so fast he had to lean on the door for SUPPORT. Kevin watched sliently as his maid strutted his stuff in all the right places.

Here was Edd in a bright pink/white maid outfit with matching heels. The skirt was so low he could see the round globes of ass each step that work took. The white legging highlighted how slender his hips were. His beanie was untouched but didn't take away from Kevin's growing erection. If anything. It turned him on even more.


Edd jumped when he heard his voice andturned around. His face broke out in a full blush spreading from ear to ear. Kevin watched him cross his legs and try to cover himself. It was so bad he had to close his eyes and turn away seeing how it was too much.

"Kev. I. You see..."

Kevin could see that edd stammering on but couldn't hear a thing. His mind clouded again as he stook more detail of edds front. Edds chest was covered in a soft pink lace and ribbons that made a cute heart. The white apron was his favorite touch.

"De- uh. Edd what'cha wearing man?"

Kevin heard his voice crack a bit but tried to covered with a cough. A few girls giggled to themselves making the point that they wasn't buying his cough. That's when Nat came up from behind edd throwing his arm over his friends shoulder. Dee looked uncomfortable and would NEVER wear something like that unless someone made him. The only time he seen him in something like that was the time Eddy dressed him up as a nurse.

'Great now I'm thinking about him in a nurses costume....'

"KEVIN. Dude did you know that Edd likes cosplay.

Kevin was about to say something until a camera moved to angel them. Who ever was recorded him and Dee this morning. If they managed to plant a bug in his office and his security camera's then they were in deep trouble.

"... Nat can you come over here for a second?"

Nat followed smiling pervertly at his work. With edd looking this sexy and with what happened this morning there was no way his bud could hold back. The dude might finally get laid! Seeing Kevins face as Edd dress up in a sexy maid was absolutley priceless. Though he didnt think a simple flip of a skirt would drive Kevin out of his office.

A sudden pull of his collar pulled him in a huddle.

"Don't freak out butt were being watched. Someone broke into my office and planted a bug. Who ever it was sent me a video of stuff. And I think they are watching us now."

Kevim spoke in a hushed tone which madeNat lost all joking about in his voice. Looking around he found that yes almost all cameras were facing in their direction. In the corner of his eye the camera that is supposed to sweep the floor is firmly stuck on Edd.

"What should we do man? This is serious stuff."

"...Go down to the tech floor and have them sweep the system for everything. Oh and another thing.


Nat hunched over and held his stomach. Kevin didn't hold his punches when it came to Edd. Dude was so falling for him and probably knew it by now. Still the protective bastard could have gone a little easy. Nat stood straight up and walked to the elevator.

Now here was another problem.


Kevin didn't want to panic the younger by telling him their potential sex tape could go viral. What's worse is that he couldn't send Dee home dressed like that. Anger passed through him as he thought of some perverts hands on his dork.

"Your staying here for a while..."

... you've been waiting for this haven't you?I sorry bout that

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