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Paris's POV

A few days later

I am going to starbucks now and meeting Grayson there.

We are just simply hanging out.

I was all ready and decided to just drive there.

I get in the car and texted my mom where I was going.

I then drive to starbucks to meet Grayson.

I pull up into the parking lot and park and then text Grayson

Me: R u here yet?

Gray: Yeah Im inside

I turn off the car and get out, locking the door.

I walk into starbucks and find Grayson, seeing him at the front of the line and talking to the cashier

I cut the other four people in line, standing next to him.

"Can u order me a drink?" I asked him as the cashier took his order, typing it in.

"What do you want?" He asked me and I turn towards the cashier.

"A venti vanilla bean frappe, caramel inside the cup please, not on the whipped cream, with a chocolate chip cookie " I tell her and she nods, typing it in.

I hand Grayson some money and walk to find a seat.

Once I do, I sit down and Grayson walks over, sitting across from me.

"Why not on the whipped cream?" He asked me.

"I like it inside the cup because I don't have to wait until the very end to taste it. I love caramel so much" I tell him, a small smile on my face.

"Oh. And heres your cookie" He said handing it out to me, an obvious bite taken out of it.

"Graysonnnnn" I whined taking it from him and inspecting my half eaten cookie.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself. It just happened on the way over to the table and it was too tempting okay?" He said sighing and shaking his head at himself making me giggle.

I eat the rest of the cookie and then his name was called.

He walks over and grabs our drinks and when he comes back he was drinking my drink.

"You're right. The caramel is better inside the cup." He said nodding

"Stop eating and drinking my stuff" I said giggling and he licked all over the straw he had put in there and I watch him, glaring at him.

"You have your own drink" I said giggling and taking it from him.

I wipe off his saliva from the straw, it being all over from him licking it.

"That was very rude. I don't have cooties you know" He said chuckling.

"Yes but it was all covered in your saliva" I said making him laugh.

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