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Grayson's POV

2:30 am

"Alright guys. It is..... 2:30 am right now. and we are headed over to Paris's house to do this" I said to the camera as Ethan drove.

"Y'all have a key right?" I asked

"Yeah" Lena said and I nodded.

"What if her parents catch us?" I asked chuckling a little.

"Then we explain what we are doing and if its her dad, we will be able to continue, but her mom would make us clean up the mess." Quinn said.

"Okay" I said nodding.

We get to her house and all of the lights were off.

"Also, They have a security thing. But we know the password. So don't worry" Quinn said and Lena nodded.

We all get out and grab the many bags of balloons.

"Ah shit the bags are loud" Ethan said.

"Just hold them tight" I said and he nodded.

Quinn carried the camera and Lena unlocked the door and quickly put in the password thing for security

We walk in and all tiptoe up to he room, Lena locking the door back.

We go into her room quietly and shut the door.

I set down the bags on the floor and take the camera from Quinn and set it up on her dresser so it can see sleeping Paris, and us.

Lena grabs a pair of scissors and starts cutting open all of the balloon packs so it wouldn't be as loud.

We empty the bags out on the floor and start blowing the balloons up.

Literally for almost two hours we were blowing up balloons.

The room was getting pretty well full and then Quinn got an idea.

"She has a balloon pump thingy guys." Quinn said going to her closet.

She comes back with one and I thank god.

We continue blowing, just at a slower rate while Quinn starts pumping up balloons with the pusher thingy.

After about another thirty minutes, we had soooooo many more balloons.

She still wasn't awake.

We had gotten quite a lot of her room covered and decided that it was enough and got on our phones.

We all started falling asleep.

I am awaken when I hear what sounded like a gun shot.

I jump up and see Paris, dying of laughter, Ethan, the girls and I, scared to death.

"Why did you come over and blow up so many balloons?" She asked putting a thumbtack down.

Princess// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now