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Grayson's POV
She leans her head against my shoulder as she looks out towards the water.

I don't know why she was so nervous about going into these woods but not as nervous about the camping.

Well she was a little nervous about camping..

She suddenly sits up and looks at me.

"But you said you have never loved anyone" she said and I feel my cheeks getting hot.

"I uh. I haven't before." I said playing with my hands nervously.

"But. You said you loved me.." she said
"Yeah... atleast. That's what I think I feel" I said scratching the back of my head and looking down.

"Grayson" she said and I look up at her.
"I'm sorry I am new to this whole coupley lovey stuff it's different" I tell her
"Why?" She asked confusing me

"What?" I asked
"Why do YOU. Love ME?" She asked sounding confused.

"I mean. Everything about you is perfect. From your cute little freckles. To your hair, and your eyes. And your lips. And your laugh.. and your stupid little jokes. And how you can be completely serious, having a conversation with someone and then see a dog or something and stop the entire conversation no matter how important to say how cute it is. And how you notice the smallest details on things. And how neat you are. And I LOVE how your as confident without makeup as you are with it" I said, not able to stop the smile from appearing on my face as I told her.

She hugs me, my stomach doing that weird fluttery thing again while my heart beat picked up, like always.

"And then when in around you.. or when we touch.. or someone mentions you. It's like my entire body gets happy." I said

"Gray no one has ever said anything to me like the things you say" She said.

"I just wish you knew how for real I was" I said grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers.

She smiles looking down at them.

"I don't know what I did to get you Gray" she said shaking her head
"You wanna go back to your house?" I asked her. We have been gone for a while.

"Who is at yours?" She asked me.
"I don't think anyone is. I know Ethan had gone out somewhere with Quinn.. and my parents are both at work.. so I don't think anyone is home" I said shrugging.

"Lets go to your house then." She said

"Why?" I asked her and she shrugs
"Why not?" She asked back
"Okay" I agreed.

We climb down and then start the walk.

We get to her house and get into my car and I drive us to my house.

We pull up and get out of the car and walk up to the door, unlocking it and we walk in, me holding the door for her.

Paris's POV

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked me
"Can we go up to your room and cuddle and watch Netflix or something?" I asked him
"Sure" he said chuckling.

Princess// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now