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Paris's POV
Two More Years later.

Grayson walks in and hands me my sandwich I asked him to make me.

"Thank You babe" I said and kissed his cheek when he sat down next to me but on the floor since I was in a desk chair.

I eat my sandwich and continue working on my work.

I bite into something hard and furrow my eyebrows, quickly pulling the hard thing out of my mouth.

"Damnit Gray. What did you put in my sandwhich?" I asked him holding the sandwich in one hand and my mouth the other and he starts laughing.

I look at it and see its a ring.

I get up and go to the bathroom, rinsing off the ring and see how truly beautiful the ring is.

I walk back to the chair, Grayson on one knee with my sandwich in his hand.

I look down at him, confused on what he's trying to pull here, He better not be messing with my emotions.

"So. I've been thinking." He said, and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You know I love you" He said and I nodded.

He tells me all the time.

and I still love him as much as I did when we first started dating, if anything I love him more.

"Well.. I was wondering.. If maybe you wanted to upgrade?" He asked me, confusing the hell out of me.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well.. eventually. a princess has to turn into a queen doesn't she?" He asked me and my heart began beating faster.

"What do you say about marrying me?" He asked me, still holding my sandwich.

I look down, then to my sandwich, then back to his eyes.

"Uhmm. I'd say yes.." I said fiddling with the ring.

"Even though I fucked up your sandwich?" He asked me.

"Yeah even though you fucked up my sandwich" I said and he chuckles, standing up.

He hands me my sandwich, taking the ring from me.

"Now, instead of a princess ring, Its a queen ring. I know it doesn't sound as cool but I guess I'm not as cool as before you agreed to marry me" He said making me laugh as he slipped the ring onto my finger, right above my princess ring he got me years before.

I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him.

"You have to kiss me" He whispered.

"Who says I wanna kiss you huh? You interrupted my eating? I could have broken a tooth" I stated and he pulls me closer by my waist and presses his lips to mine, despite my words.

He pulls away.

"Grayson I did not want to kiss you" I lied.

"If you did not want to kiss me then why did you kiss me huh?" He asked me

"I didn't you kissed me" I said

"And you kissed back" He said sticking his tongue out at me and I lick his tongue, us still being very close.

He pushes his lips to mine again and I giggled into the kiss, his smile growing as we kissed.

"I love you so much." I said once we broke the kiss.

His smile never left his face.

"I love you more" He said

"I squeezed your sandwich a little." He said holding out my semi-squished sandwich .

I smile, taking it from him.

"Its okay" I said shrugging it off.


Princess// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now