~ Chapter Two ~

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He was sick of it. Sick of being alone. Sick of sleeping alone. Sick of watching movies by himself. Sick of eating dinner by himself. Just sick of being alone. It cornered and suffocated him knowing that if something happens to him, who would care? Maybe he was just being unreasonable about it and he just had to be patient. But he didn't want to wait anymore. Arthur promised to himself he would never set foot on that death trap again but he felt like doing something reckless. And this was the answer. He ripped the dusty black cloth off of a Harley Davidson he had kept since his teen years. It used to give him such a thrill he didn't need anything else in the world. Which is exactly what he needed so without further delay, he opened the garage and jingled the keys between his fingers. Arthur took the helmet and threw it to the side before getting on the deadly vehicle. He turned on the ignition, revved the engine and sped right out of the garage, the tire squealing against the floor as the front lifted up a bit making Arthur's heart race with exhilaration. Arthur sped out onto the streets, the afternoon sun casting long shadows over the road. The more the speed increased the more Arthur's heart raced and pounded against his chest. Arthur began to laugh at the sky as the wind whipped his hair back making him feel so free, so alive. Tears started to well up in his eyes, the constant wind flow making his vision blurry. Arthur blinked but that just made it worse. Suddenly Arthur felt his heart drop and he started to panic. He was going a million miles an hour and he couldn't see properly. Instinctively, Arthur used the brakes, the tires squealing loudly, the bike swerving dangerously as Arthur lost grip on the handle bar. A loud smash and he was thrown forward right off his bike. His whole body ached and his head throbbed painfully. His ears were ringing and his vision was blurry and distorted. He tried to move but it was just too painful. He breathed heavily as he lay paralysed against the hard concrete. A shadow appeared over him and his vision became crisper. A woman? She had shorter than should length hair, which was a pale blonde colour and her eyes were a nice pure blue. Something seemed off though. This wasn't a woman. It was a man. Arthur opened his mouth to speak but a slender finger was pressed to his lips. "Mon dieu, that was quite a scary thing to witness. You sure were going fast hm? Are you feeling dizzy? I called the ambulance, they should be here soon..." French. Definitely French. Arthur's vision finally sharpened and he realised a bloody gorgeous man was leaning over him. The pale blonde hair actually had streaks of gold which made it glimmer in the afternoon sun. His eyes now had a crisp texture to them now, like a perfect calm clear day at the beach. He had a light stubble that gave his otherwise feminine face a more masculine look. Arthur relaxed a bit. "My name is Francis, what's yours?" Many people that had gathered around started leaving as they realised Arthur was okay. "Hm? Oh, my name is Arthur..." Francis nodded then started shaking his head. "But merde what were you thinking driving around like that?" Arthur looked down, ashamed. "I guess I wasn't in the right state of mind..." No, not all and this man was not helping. He was just so attractive it made Arthur's heart feel funny. "Stay please..." he muttered to the man who know sat back and stayed by Arthur's side until the ambulance arrived. That was how Arthur had first met Francis and he remembered meeting him again on the streets. Francis had invited him to join him for a coffee and in the end they talked and talked although sometimes that Frenchie's jokes were quite annoying. But Arthur kept seeing him to cure him of his loneliness and soon enough, Francis confessed his feelings for Arthur. Arthur didn't want to string him along but he didn't want to be lonely either. So he accepted the feelings and confessed to Francis the very next day. It was a mess, it really was. After being with Francis for a while, he did develop feelings for that silly old frog, but he knew it would never be as much as how much Francis loved him. It ate at him and some nights he would cry himself to sleep. It was just all so backwards.

So here he was in that cafe, staring at the American. He bit his lips as his heart sank at the thought of being so pathetic. He did love that Frenchman. He definitely did. But sometimes he wished he could love him more. "Oh, that..." Arthur responded. "Haha yea that... um sorry if it's a sensitive subject..." Arthur shook his head. "No it's fine, I was a bit unstable back then." The American shrugged, his hair flopping to the side. "Hey it happens right? I saw it happen and all and I definitely would've helped but that other guy got to you first and you know, I didn't want you to feel crowded." He smiled genuinely and Arthur's heart fluttered a bit. That's a nice smile. "So what's your name then?" The man asked, his eyes sparkled. "Arthur..." Arthur mustered up a smile. This situation was starting to feel uncomfortable. "Well I'm Alfred, nice to meet you. Hope you come again soon." Arthur nodded "Nice to meet you too..." Arthur turned his back to Alfred and started walking away, his strides long and knew that he would be back. Somehow Alfred's smile made him feel better, it was so pure he felt like anything that happened in the past didn't matter anymore. Arthur held his head high and looked into the clear blue sky. Mhm, just as blue as Alfred's eyes.

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