~ Chapter Fourteen ~

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~ A few days ago ~

Mathew told himself over and over again that Francis was not available but he just couldn't stop visiting Francis at his bakery. A dark part of him almost hoped Arthur and Alfred would get together so he could have Francis. Mathew scowled to himself, how dare he think of something like that. It made him feel guilty thinking like that, so as usual, he pushed the thought back into the forgotten corners of his mind. He walked into the bakery and saw the beautiful Frenchman serving up a delicious looking creation to a customer. She was clearly flirting with him but it just made Mathew smile. She had no chance with Francis, one he was taken, and two he clearly was into guys. Mathew slowly walked to the counter, silently sliding onto a chair. He sat there silently for a bit u til the Frenchman noticed. "Ah! Mathieu, how are you today? The usual maple crepe?" Mathew nodded, feeling his cheeks grow hot. Holy maple he really was a gorgeous man. "Anything for my little fellow Canadian..." Francis waltzed off leaving a bright red Magee behind. His little fellow Canadian. Mathew didn't want to get his hopes up for anything so he let the sentence slide. Soon Francis came back with the maple crepe, the sweet smell filling Mathews nose as it was set down in front of him. Francis nodded then winked. Mathew almost fell off his chair and quickly looked down at the crepe. Pretty as always but that didn't cover up to fact the Francis made his heart pound. "So Mathieu... You always come visit me, you're one of my most valued customers?" What was Francis doing? Flirting, God, Mathew couldn't tell and it confused him to no end since Francis was still together with Arthur. "Ah... I yes... um... " Mathew shut up, knowing nothing good would come out of this if he let his mouth wander. Francis leaned against the counter, flicking his pale blonde shiny hair out of his face, flashing his beautiful blue eyes at Mathew. He's so gorgeous. "Ah... merci Mathieu..." He smiled warmly. "Huh?" Francis laughed softly. "You said I was gorgeous..." Mathew blushed, "I... Eh?? No I..." Mathew felt his body heat up as he came to the realisation he must have said it out loud. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I mean yes you are gorgeous but... oh I'll just stop talking..." Mathew immediately stuffed his face with the crepe, hoping this would help the awkwardness he had just caused. "Oh honhonhon... Easy there Mathieu, you might choke." That just made Mathieu blush even more if that was even biologically possible. He quickly finished the crepe, thanked Francis and was out of there as fast as light, feeling completely flustered. He half stumbled out the bakery and saw Arthur a small ways away from him. He gave a quick smile and started striding in the other direction. He just called Arthur's boyfriend gorgeous so there was no way he could face him right now.

~ Now ~

Francis was working in his bakery as usual but something seemed different about him. After the awkward situation a few days ago, Mathew finally plucked up the courage to visit Francis again, hoping he had forgotten about last time. "Mathieu... It's so good to see you." There was a subtle pain in Francis' eyes and Mathew felt a bit like he was intruding on something. Before he could think he blurted it out. "Are you alright?" Francis widened his eyes a bit at Mathew and Mathew immediately cowered a bit into his small frame. "Sorry it just..." Francis waved his hand dismissively. "No you deserve to know... Arthur and I broke up. Seems your vorher stole his heart from me." Francis laughed a bit then looked down at the counter, cleaning one spot with his cloth over and over again absentmindedly. "Oh... I'm sorry about that..." Mathew felt a twinge of happiness but also a big wave of sympathy. Francis looked so strong, but he was a fragile flower like everyone else. Some people could just hide it better. "But you know, I don't mind because I know that over these past few days I seem to have fallen for someone else too... as cliche as it sounds I didn't realise it until a few days ago..." Mathew nodded and put his hands lightly on the counter, only to have Francis place his own over his hands. Instinctively, Mathew slipped them off the counter. "Honhon, you need not feel rushed, I can wait... I mean, it is quite sudden." Mathew couldn't believe his ears. Did this mean that his usually unrequited feelings would be returned for a change. Mathew had not been in many relationships before. He has liked many people, but they never really noticed him, so he went through life mostly single. He didn't really mind, but for someone like Francis... "I like you a lot..." He blurted out, clapping a hand over his mouth once the words were out there. "Honhonhon, maybe you are the one that needs to slow down..." He winked, sending a warm pleasant feeling to Mathew's heart. He smiled and did something that just seemed right to do about now. He winked back, earning a quite decent blush from Francis. This would be a very interesting relationship to pursue. This was just like a fairytale. To Mathew anyway.

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