~ Chapter Thirteen ~

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Arthur had never broken up with someone before, and he was scared. Very scared. What if Alfred didn't actually love him like he said he did, and if he broke up with Francis he would be alone again. Arthur shook his head furiously. No, he had to stop overthinking everything, he would just tell Francis that he met someone new and it was time to end the relationship, and surely knowing Francis, he probably wouldn't mind carrying on as just friends. Arthur was sitting on the couch, his book sitting on his lap open to the current page when he heard the front door open. Arthur heard him before he saw him. "I am home~!" His silky French accent flowing softly into Arthur's ear. Arthur swallowed hard, shifting around in his seat before Francis emerged from around the corner. "There you are, you feeling better?" Arthur nodded but it was far from the truth. He was about to change everything he had known because of one man and he felt the pressure crushing him. Francis seemed to noticed because his face morphed into an expression of concern. "Arthur? Are you alright mon cher?" Arthur had to stay composed, he couldn't break now. "Yes, it's just..." He couldn't do it, he just wasn't ready, after that display of concern he couldn't bring himself to break it to Francis. "I missed you so much..." As soon as he said it, he felt like crying, his words just leading Francis further along. Francis smiled, sending a stabbing pain through Arthur's heart. Sometimes this man just annoyed him to no end but he was also so goddamn nice to him, he just didn't deserve this. And the feeling just got worse when night time rolled around.

"Arthur... there's something wrong, I know it... Just tell me Arthur, tell me what's bothering you." Arthur took a deep breath. "I can't do this right now, I don't feel too good..." Arthur lied. Yes they have had sex before but now to have sex with Francis would be wrong. Francis crawled off of Arthur and got up from the bed, not looking at Arthur. "Arthur... There's something I want to know." Arthur's heart was going a million miles an hour. "I thought nothing of it at the time but I think now... It might mean something." Francis' voice cracked a bit, sending a cold feeling to Arthur's heart. "That day when you over slept, you were moaning in your sleep..." Francis turned. "And it wasn't my name you were moaning either..." Francis had a sad look on his face. He wasn't angry or anything, just sad beyond comprehension. Arthur's breath caught in his throat, as he watched Francis sit down on the bed, the bed creaked awkwardly but Francis kept his eyes fixated on Arthur. "Something tells me that your heart doesn't belong to me anymore..." Francis smiled sadly. "It doesn't does it..." Arthur blinked back tears as he slowly shook his head, sealing his fate. "I see..." Arthur let the tears spill over, how could Francis be so calm and nice about this? "Francis I'm so sorry, I don't want you to be lonely, as much as you annoy me sometimes, you are actually one of the nicest people I have ever met." Francis opened his arms, raising an eyebrow. Arthur fell into Francis' embrace, but not as a lover but as a friend and that fact made Arthur feel a lot better. "If it makes you feel any better... I won't be lonely if you remain as my friend." Arthur nodded, his tears staining Francis' shirt. "Also... I have a little confession to make... You know Mathieu?" Arthur looked up at Francis to see him smiling. "That little birdie seems to be in love with me, he is just the sweetest thing and you can tell. I winked at him and he almost fell off his chair, blushing like crazy." Francis laughed softly. Arthur normally would've been mad that Francis winked at another man but it didn't matter anymore. Arthur laughed as well his heart feeling elated and happy. "Ah... I can sleep on the couch tonight if you don't feel comfortable..." Francis offered but Arthur shook his head. "Silly frog, just because we aren't lovers anymore doesn't mean two men can't sleep in the same bed." Arthur wanted to be as mature as he could about the whole situation, he was a gentleman after all and gentlemen don't kick their ex lovers out of a warm cosy bed like that. It was the least he could do. Francis smiled "Thank you... Arthur."

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