~ Chapter Four ~

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Arthur awoke to the sound of birds outside his window. The soft sound was music to his ears as he stretched, letting out a long happy moan. He had slept rather well today and today he would got to that cafe again. It had become a daily thing, get up have a small breakfast, read a bit of his book, go out for a scone from "Cafe de Amerique", then go home. The clock on Arthur's bedside table read 12:34pm. Hang on a minute. It was already past 12?!? Arthur quickly tumbled out of bed causing a blanket avalanche. He stripped down and chucked on the first decent outfit he could find and rushed out the door whilst tucking in his shirt. He wasn't sure when Alfred's shift would end and he wanted to apologise for yesterday. He had come home yesterday feeling terrible for leaving so abruptly. He just wasn't sure what Alfred's deal was. Arthur arrived at the cafe and already the scent made him feel much better, the cinnamon and coffee soft on his senses. He walked in expecting to see the usual golden haired man but instead found it to be someone else. He looked rather similar to Alfred though. He had hair that was more pale but his eyes were the same. Not that brilliant blue but a soft purple. A funny tangly curl sprung from the top of his head and bounced lightly whenever the man moved his head. He noticed Arthur looking at him and beckoned him to come to the counter. "Hey, I'm Mathew... Are you Arthur Kirkland...?" His voice was so soft, Arthur almost didn't hear it. "Oh yes I am Arthur... You must be Mathew, Alfred's brother right?" Mathew nodded politely and then ducked under the counter to look for something. Arthur peaked over the top of the counter, a little confused. Mathew emerged again only now he had an envelope in his hand. "My brother wrote this for you, he was sorry he couldn't be here today... but he wanted me to give it to you. He couldn't wait till he came back or something." Mathew handed him the letter and watched Arthur with his purple eyes. "I see, so where is Alfred?" "Oh he went off to see a good friend of his, Kiku... Hadn't seen Kiku for years since they broke up, but it seems they are trying to mend their relationship as friends... It's quite sweet really, eh?" Arthur felt something tug at his heart. "So what is Kiku like? What does she look like?" Mathews face went bright red and he was was visibly trying not to laugh. "Ah... Kiku is a guy..." Mathew giggled a bit and Arthur's heart skipped a beat. It was exactly like Alfred's giggle. Ah, what was he thinking, that's just strange. Arthur felt the warmth of a blush crawl up his cheeks. He had a habit of mistaking guys for women. How problematic. "Oh Gods, I'm sorry, um I'll be right back for a scone, I want to open this." Arthur crossed the cafe floor and sat at his favourite spot. The envelope had his name scrawled on the top in Alfred's messy but cute writing. Carefully tearing the envelope open, Arthur pulled out a piece of note paper. On there was the same drawing he had seen the other day, only he had never realised what it was. The lines and curves all intertwined together to form a picture of Arthur sitting at his favourite spot, looking out the window. Arthur's heart started to pound against his chest. What was this all about? Alfred was good. Extremely good. Arthur felt himself smile. A normal person would've thought this as creepy but to Arthur, he felt flattered that Alfred had drawn him, and really well at that. Why had he drawn him? Arthur had to know more. More about Alfred F Jones. Arthur looked up at Mathew who was watching him intently. Mathew nodded at the piece of paper and smiled softly. Arthur looked back at it and saw a phone number at the bottom with a small sentence that made Arthur smile: "Call me as soon as you get this."

As soon as Arthur got home, he dropped everything. He didn't even organise his shoes and he didn't even  hang up his light jacket. He needed to know what Alfred was thinking about. Why he drew him. Why it seemed that Alfred had taken more than a liking to Arthur. It all made sense now, Arthur wasn't stupid. There was a reason why Alfred looked at him that way. Why he became flustered with every touch of Arthur's skin against his. Arthur reached for the phone and quickly dialled the number and let the phone ring. Click. "Sorry, the number you have called is currently not available. Please try again in a few minutes." The female voice was dry and scraped uncomfortably at Arthur's ears. He had seriously wanted to talk to Alfred. A stabbing feeling of loneliness suddenly washed over him and tears started dribbling down his face. Why was he crying? Arthur never really had any friends, he had kinda gotten used to it, but now he had someone else who seemed to like him and the fact that he couldn't talk to Alfred at that moment was the tipping point that pushed him over the edge. Arthur didn't have many friends at all so to not be able to talk to one when he really felt like it was like losing a friend. He dropped the phone on the floor and had a good cry. He couldn't stop, it was just like the weather in England. All tears and no sunshine. Slam. Arthur's heart froze as he heard the front door close. Francis. Francis could not see him like this. He would only ask questions and then Arthur would tell him he is lonely and Francis might take that the wrong way. He quickly slammed the phone back onto the receiver and ran around the corner and raced up the stairs almost tripping up over the last step. "Arthur?" The French voice trailed up the stairs and found Arthur. He had curled up in his bed and was now watching the sky turn a shade of orange as the sun set. A couple of thumps and Francis had padded his way up the stairs. "Arthur?" Arthur pretended to be asleep, it wouldn't be uncommon. He liked having naps in the late afternoon. "Ah... I'll make us some dinner hm? Enjoy your nap mon cher..." His words wore a happy smile and Arthur relaxed a bit. Francis always knew how to make him feel better. Arthur smiled and snuggled up in his blankets some more. He'll just call Alfred tomorrow.

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