~ Chapter Nine ~

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Last day of pure bliss. Arthur would start work again tomorrow, and whining kids on the streets reminded him constantly of it. "Awwww yea we start school again tomorrow, dang" was a sentence Arthur heard quite frequently as he made his daily visit to the cafe. As usual, Alfred was behind the counter, and as usual Arthur ordered his favourite scone. Alfred was still bright and cheery as ever and as Arthur sat down, the American came out from around the counter and sat down with him. "Ahaha, shouldn't you be working?" Arthur lifted his eyebrow and smirked a bit. "Hey, there are barely any customers around at the moment and it is your last day of the holidays so gotta enjoy it while it lasts!" "Mhm, well thanks for the company then I guess..." Alfred's smile slowly morphed into a more serious expression as he watched Arthur nibble away at his scone. "So um, are you good at giving advice?" Arthur halted in his scone-eating actions and gave Alfred his full attention. "Well now that really depends on what kind of advice you are looking for isn't it..." "I guess... So are you good with love advice then?" Arthur stared at Alfred with wide eyes. He was rubbish with love advice, even his love life had been a joke until Francis came into his life. "Ahem, well I don't really know whether I am any good at giving "love" advice... But if you want, I can listen to you." Alfred nodded slowly, "Yea that's okay I guess. Well here goes nothing haha. I have met someone recently, and now they always come visit this cafe. They are kind, funny and gorgeous. But here's where the tricky part comes because this person is already kinda in a relationship. But I just can't get them out of my head. I tried to forget about them by visiting my ex. I wanted to get back together because well... I kinda missed him and I didn't want to be lonely. We shared a heated night and all but we both knew it wasn't gonna work out a second time. Thinking back to it now, it probably wasn't the best idea since that just made me feel even more empty. Especially since he was starting to get close to this other guy who has been his friend for a while..." Alfred took a deep breath after his little story then let out a long sigh and buried his face in his hands. "I don't know what to do. I am so completely smitten with him..." Arthur had to take a moment to take this all in. It all kind of came at him at once, he still wasn't sure of what just happened. And what was worse was that Arthur's heart had started pounding painfully hard as he slowly put the pieces together in his head. Met someone new, specifically a guy, recently. Check. Visits the cafe regularly. Check. Already in a relationship. Check. Smitten with him... did the drawing count? Arthur wasn't one hundred percent sure but it seemed like Alfred had just anonymously confessed to Arthur. Arthur's heart was racing as he struggled to wrap his tongue around words to say. He swallowed hard as he asked the haunting question. "What's his name..." Alfred looked up at Arthur, the look in his eyes fierce and lustful. "I think you know who I am talking about..." Arthur heart skipped a beat as he felt his cheeks grow hotter. "Arthur... I'm so sorry but I think I have fallen for you..." Arthur's mind went blank. All he could see and register was the way Alfred was looking at him through his glasses. All he seemed to notice was the way Alfred's shoulders heaved when he breathed in and out. He had to say something but his mind was just not cooperating. "Alfred look, I'm sorry I... Um, look I need some time to think this over... I just need some space right now, is that okay?" Arthur managed. Alfred nodded in understanding. "Haha, yea I'm sorry I just had to say something... it was all kinda bottled up and building up and I had to tell you eventually otherwise it wouldn't be fair on you. Just please don't stop talking to me just because of this..." Arthur got up and looked away hastily. "I won't stop talking to you, I just need time..." Alfred nodded and Arthur noticed a tear splat onto the table. Arthur had to get out of here quick before he did anything he might regret. "I'll contact you when I'm ready." And with that Arthur left Alfred all alone in the deserted cafe. Arthur stopped at the door, then looked back to see Alfred's head was down in his hands, his shoulders trembling. Arthur was torn, he couldn't go back to comfort him because he didn't want to give the wrong message. He needed to get home to Francis' warm embrace and remind himself that what Alfred said won't change anything. Before Arthur left the cafe, Alfred's voice run out through the deafening silence. "Will you still visit this cafe?" Arthur sighed and rested his head against that wall, his back facing Alfred. "I'll try, but I am starting work tomorrow so I won't have as much time..." "It's open till 4pm..." Arthur leaned right against the wall. "I guess then I can still visit you, but Alfred... I need time okay... please don't rush me." Alfred gave an audible yes, the cue for Arthur to finally leave. As Arthur walked down the afternoon lit street he felt a tear stream down his face. Damnit, this hurt. He really needed Francis right now, so Arthur began running home, running away from troublesome thoughts and doubts.

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