~ Chapter Twelve ~

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Arthur's dream world began to shake and he felt himself falling. "Arthur, wake up..." Arthur flashed his eyes open to see Francis standing over him. "Arthur, do you know what the time is?" Arthur didn't even dare to look at the clock. "It's 7:56, you have 4 minutes to get to school..." Arthur felt his heart drop as he jumped out of the bed so fast he almost hit Francis in the face with his flailing arms. "Shit shit shit shit!" Arthur raced around the room, panicking as he quickly tried to get his stuff together. Suddenly Francis caught him by the arm. "Shhhhh, calm down... mon dieu... Arthur I called them to tell them you weren't feeling well, so you don't have to worry..." Francis smiled softly. Arthur stopped in his tracks and dropped everything. He sighed loudly and trudged back over to his bed to fall face flat on it. "Thanks..." Arthur mumbled. "Arthur... I need to go to work now so you just take it easy, you don't usually oversleep so just relax hm?" Francis smiled, but something in his eyes wasn't smiling. He turned and left the room leaving a confused Arthur behind. Arthur quickly got up from the bed and ran after Francis, grabbing him by the shoulder just before he left the house. "Francis?" Francis turned, his blue soft eyes looking right into Arthur's. "What is it mon cher?" Arthur hesitated, then let go. "Nothing, I just wanted a goodbye kiss..." Francis laughed softly before placing a short sweet kiss on Arthur's lips. "Better?" Arthur nodded and stepped away from Francis. No it wasn't better. It just made him feel worse. "I'll be home at the usual time... love you." Francis turned his back to Arthur and Arthur watched as Francis walked confidently down the path. Arthur looked down at his feet noticing a slight bulge just by his crotch area. That dream. Arthur shiver as he bit his lip and a dark realisation came to him. No wonder he almost moaned Alfred's name last night. Why he had felt so nervous before having sex with Francis. Why it hurt so much leaving Alfred that day after the confession. Why he wrote Alfred's name absentmindedly on the board in class. Why he was having hot dreams about Alfred. Why Francis' goodbye kiss didn't make him feel better. Arthur ran back into the house, grabbed the first pair of pants he could find and grabbed his coat. He hurriedly slipped on his shoes and slammed the front door shut. And he ran, he ran as fast as he could, as fast as his gangly British legs could go. He had to see Alfred.

Arthur reached the cafe and ran inside, not caring how he looked, how messy he appeared he just had to talk to Alfred. And there he was with a shocked look on his face. His brilliant blue eyes were wide as the Arthur ran to Alfred, almost hitting a pulled out chair, some people watching the scene unfold. "Alfred! I'm sorry, I didn't realise! I should've realised it sooner but I am blind to these things and I'm sorry for leaving you like that!" The words came tumbling out of Arthur's mouth like a waterfall and all Alfred could do was come around the counter, drag Arthur with him into the small cafe office and calm Arthur down after the mini scene he had caused. Once in the office, Alfred slammed Arthur into the wall and joined their lips, kissing him passionately, the kiss filled with need and want. Arthur couldn't stop himself kissing Alfred back with the same energy and passion. Their tongues intertwined and their breaths quickened as the room suddenly started to feel like an oven. The best part was that this whole kiss made Arthur feel better, it made his heart race and flutter. Alfred was the first to break the kiss and as he did, he stumbled away from Arthur. "Ah... This isn't right... is it?" Arthur looked down in shame. He had just kissed another man which technically meant he had just cheated on Francis. The feeling was sickening yet the way Alfred made him feel overthrew that and soon he found his lips locked with Alfred's again, this time, Arthur had initiated the kiss. Alfred's hands drifted down to rest at Arthur's hips, pulling them forward towards him, grinding his growing arousal against Arthur's making Arthur gasp and grind back. Knock knock. The timing couldn't have been worse as the knocker repeated their pattern of tapping against the closed door. Alfred pulled away and straightened his clothing then flashed Arthur warning look. So caught in the moment Arthur did the same hastily straightening his coat. "Yea?" Alfred answered and in walked Mathew. Mathew looked at Arthur then at Alfred and then back at Arthur. "Um, what's he doing in here...?" Crap, Alfred hadn't thought about that at all. "Um, we were... discussing important matters!" He flashed his typical American smile and laughed loudly. Mathew just rolled his eyes and stepped out the way, gesturing them to leave the office. Alfred grabbed Arthur's hand making Arthur's heart jump, as he pulled Arthur out of the room and back behind the counter. "Look I'm just as confused as you are right now but I think if this is what you want, you have to break up with Francis..." A sharp pain throbbed in Arthur's heart. He couldn't do that, that was cruel, so very cruel. Francis gave him company when he needed it most and tolerated Arthur's terrible cooking. It broke Arthur's heart to think he would just throw him away after all this time just cause he had met Alfred a few weeks ago, this really was something you would call "love at first sight". But it was even crueler to keep Francis hanging onto something that just wasn't there anymore. Arthur took a deep breath and nodded. "Just give me time okay?" Alfred nodded and watched Arthur walk back around. "I'll take a scone before I leave though." Alfred smiled warmly. "Of course."

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