~ Chapter Eight ~

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It was new day, therefore a new state of mind for Arthur. Arthur decided it'd be best not to be awkward about the dream he had had and just pretend nothing happened, because really, nothing happened at all and he could just continue his merry way through life. "Arthur!" Arthur was immediately greeted as soon as he walked through the doors of "Cafe de Amerique". The usual cinnamon cafe scent he had gotten used to tickled his nose pleasantly as he noticed the American back behind the counter where he belonged. Arthur nodded "Hello Alfred, good to see you again, how's your friend?" "Huh? Oh you mean Kiku? Haha, Mattie must've told you huh? Yea we're good friends again, we had a rough patch but I think we've cleared it up now." Alfred smiled. God, Arthur never realised how much he missed that contagious smile. And those brilliant blue eyes. "So did ya miss me?" The straight forward question caught Arthur a bit off guard but Arthur remained composed, looking deep into Alfred's eyes, trying to read what he was thinking about. "I guess you could say I missed you to some degree..." A glimmer of happiness flashed through Alfred's eyes and he beamed as he leant on the counter on his elbows. "Well I missed you too!" Arthur rolled his eyes jokingly. "So when does your work start again?" Arthur thought for a moment. "I believe I start work again the day after tomorrow." "Cool! That means I still get to see you atleast once before you start work again!" Alfred was so cheerful, almost overly cheerful. "Yes, I believe so... So do you work everyday of the week or no?" "Oh, nah, I don't work during weekends... Sometimes I get called in on Saturdays but other than that I'm free as America in the weekends!" Exceptionally loud today as well. Arthur wondered whether this was only because he had gotten used to the quiet again when Alfred wasn't around for a couple of days. "Ah, I see. So do I get my usual scone or not?" Arthur grinned. Alfred's cheeks grew a light red colour as he laughed nervously. "Oh right! Haha, here I am talking your ears off and I haven't even served ya yet, my bad." Alfred blabbered apologetically. Alfred definitely seemed on edge about something but Arthur just couldn't place his finger on it. Maybe something happened with Kiku, but then again he did say everything was okay now and there would be no reason to lie to Arthur... Would there? Oh for goodness sake they have only known each other for about a week, Alfred didn't have to tell him everything Arthur thought to himself as Alfred served him his daily scone. He was just over analysing it, which seemed to be a thing that came with being an English teacher. "Enjoy your scone!" Alfred laughed as he exchanged the scone for the money. "Yes thank you, have a good ready if the day then..." Arthur smiled softly at Alfred then turned away, with his scone on his plate, some stray thoughts about the whole situation floating through his head as he sat in his favourite spot. He should visit Francis again today, seeing as he would start work again soon. What new creations may Francis have in store for him today.

The sun in the sky signalled around 3pm. Francis would be closing in about an hour so Arthur had plenty of time to stroll through the park before making his way round to Francis' bakery. He arrived at the bakery and watched as Mathew exited the bakery, looking quite flustered. He spotted Arthur and smiled awkwardly then quickly made his way into the other direction. Not even a good afternoon? Must've been in a hurry as he did look quite flustered about something. Arthur discarded the thought and entered the bakery, the warm air wrapping him in a cosy embrace. The smell was quite different from the cafe. It smelled more like freshly baked bread and apple pastries. It made Arthur's mouth water just thinking about that blueberry cheesecake pastry he had last time. He stood by the counter and waited for the Frenchman to notice him. As soon as he did, he charmed Arthur with a smile and walked briskly over to Arthur before taking Arthur head into his hands and kissing Arthur right on the lips. Arthur would've been infuriated by the fact that he had just done that in public without warning but he knew no one else was in the bakery at this time so he just simply let it happen. Francis deepened the kiss as he pulled Arthur closer to himself across the counter. Francis pulled away and licked his lips. "I missed you..." Oh my Francis looked so hot and flustered and sexy and- Arthur initiated the next kiss, surprising the Frenchman. He didn't know why but something inside of him felt he needed to prove to himself he definitely still loved this silly old frog. Not even dreams could get in the way of that. They breathed the same air as their kissing turned into passionate aggressive kisses full of lust. Arthur moaned before stumbling away. "Ah... anymore of that and we might get the counter messy." He breathed, a satisfied grin on his face. "Oui, but I could clean it up afterwards if you know what I mean..." Francis' wink went straight to Arthur's crotch and he shivered as he imagined that mouth doing other things rather than talking. "Why don't we wait till we get home huh?" Arthur was still a little out of breath and was fully aware of the fact that this bakery had very large windows and he definitely wasn't into exhibitionism. "Then I shall look forward to going home and ravishing that beautiful body of yours Arthur..." Francis said in a low voice that made Arthur's body heat up with arousal. Something told Arthur he wouldn't get any sleep tonight.

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