~ Chapter Six ~

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"When do the school holidays finish?" Arthur flicked briefly through the morning newspaper as he looked up to meet Francis' eyes. "I believe they finish in a bit less than a week." Francis nodded as he shoved the last bit of egg into his mouth before draining the last of his coffee. "Ah, well enjoy your last days of pure bliss of having no work, honhon..." He got up to bring his dishes into the kitchen before coming back out to face Arthur. "You visiting that cafe again today?" Arthur looked up from his paper. "Why of course, their scones are so delicious." Francis tilted his head to the side smiling. "Ah that's good... But I wouldn't mind you visiting me as well before you start work again." Oh. He had forgotten to do that on some occasions, and it hurt. It hurt knowing Francis probably waited for him to come visit him almost everyday. He had just been so sidetracked by... Well, the scones... But also the character of Alfred. Arthur got up hastily, the dishes clattered, and rushed over to Francis, hugging him tightly, catching the Frenchman slightly off guard. "Arthur...?" "I'm so sorry I forgot! I always come visit you even when I visit that cafe it's just lately I had forgotten, I'm so sorry Francis..." Francis' expression displayed shock but then morphed into a genuine smile. "Oh mon cher, my sweet Arthur. That's okay really, it's normal. It's not every day you meet someone new that could be a potential friend." Arthur felt his eyes become wet but did not let any tears fall. Francis was just too nice to him. "I'll visit you today, I promise..." Francis nuzzled his face into Arthur's soft but shaggy hair. "I'll be waiting..." Francis pulled away from the hug and took Arthur chin and tilted his head up.   Arthur fell into a pool of affection as Francis lightly kissed his lips, running his tongue along the edge of Arthur lips before slipping it into his mouth. Arthur let Francis explore his mouth he knew so well. Forgetting everything that had recently happened he kisses back, slipping his tongue against Francis' earning a happy sigh from him. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity before Francis regrettably pulled away. "Ah, I could do this all day but I must go to work. But I will see you later." With that, he lightly kissed Arthur's nose and Arthur let out a small giggle. "Then hop along, frog." Arthur laughed. Francis walked to the entrance and looked back at Arthur happily before turning the knob and disappearing through the door.

Arthur made a quick visit to "Cafe de Amerique" to find that Mathew was not there. He knew Alfred wouldn't be there as he said he wouldn't be back until a few days. Arthur had called him again this morning to know when he would be back and luckily it was before school holidays would finish. Still, no Mathew in sight but he still he ordered his usual scone. He munched away at it at the park, the fresh breeze filling his lungs. And before he knew it, he was outside Francis' bakery. He really hadn't been here in a while. He sucked in a deep breath and walked in, immediately noticing the man with the funny curl and the purple eyes and the soft blond hair. Mathew. "Oh hello Mathew." Arthur greeted him politely. Mathew looked surprised at first but then smiled gently. "Ah... Hello Arthur... Um, you are Francis' partner right? I have heard a lot about you..." Arthur felt a blush creep up his cheeks as he coughed then straightened up again. "Ahaha, is that so?" "Ah! Mathieu and Arthur here at the same time! Lovely, so what can I get you?" Francis had appeared from seemingly nowhere from behind the counter. His hair was tied back, showing more of his beautiful complexion. He had flour on his cheek and his apron, which was usually blue, was now white with dusty flour. "Sorry about the wait, one of my colleagues had a flour accident honhonhon." He gave Arthur wink and gave Mathew a smile. "Can I please have one of those crepes... make it maple please..." Francis nodded then shifted his eyes to Arthur. "And what about you sweetheart?" Arthur blushed again, what was with this public show of affection. It really put Arthur on the spot, it made his skin feel hot. But in the end it made him happy to know that Francis seemed to be showing him off to Mathew. "Um... the usual, your newest creation..." Francis nodded and waltzed off to get the delicacies. "So, Mathew, you're not working at the cafe?" Mathew snapped his attention to Arthur. "Oh... I don't work there everyday... I was asked to cover for Alfred but other than that I only work there in the weekends." Arthur nodded, carefully studying Mathew. He really did look a lot like Alfred, but he was a lot more quiet and serene. And he didn't quite sound American. "Hmm can't say I know that accent of yours, where's it from?" Mathew clasped his hands in front of him and looked down smiling. "Ah, I'm Canadian..." "So why does Alfred have an American accent?" Arthur knew immediately that that was the wrong thing to ask as Mathew flinched a bit and didn't meet his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry..." Mathew looked up and gave him a reassuring smile. "Eh, that's okay..." Thankfully they didn't have to sit in awkward silence any longer as Francis came back, holding two plates of tasty pastries. "One maple crepe for Mathieu..." Francis' smiled charmingly as he handed Mathew his plate of maple goodness. "And for you mon cher, I have my newest creation... Blueberry and cheesecake pastries." Arthur's mouth started watering and he was once again reminded why he loved coming here so much. He carefully picked up the silver fork and sliced delicately into the pastry, making a sweet crunchy sound. Arthur looked into the pastry and saw a cheesecake filling of some sort with purple swirls, which no doubt, were the blueberries. Arthur lifted the pastry up to his mouth, smelling the soft fragrance of vanilla before plopping it into his mouth. A surge of satisfaction washed through Arthur as he crunched on the crunchy pastry, the smooth texture of the cheesecake balancing it out. Arthur almost fell off his chair, it was that good. Francis never ceased to impress. Arthur closed his eyes and sighed. This was Francis' best one yet. "Ah I know that look Arthur. That look of pure bliss non? Orgasmic isn't it?" Arthur almost choked on the pastry and Mathew turned bright red in the face. "Oh bloody hell you frog! Don't say things like that! Especially in public! Oh you silly disgrace!" Francis simply laughed and gave a wink. "Ohhonhonhon! But it's true non?" Arthur just shook his head in disappointment while Mathew was still recovering from the sudden outburst. "Ah Mathieu, and how is your crepe?" Mathew looked up frantically and bit his lip before responding. "Mm it's very good as always." He smiled, his eyes twinkled. After the plates had been cleared of their content, the trio held a comfortable conversation for a few minutes before parting ways. Francis still had to work so Arthur would be walking home alone again. What a day. What a week. It seemed so much had happened recently. He had met so many new people, and his days always seemed packed to the brim with things to do. Arthur felt alive. That little empty nagging feeling in his heart had been filled. Now he felt complete, which he hadn't felt in a long time.

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