~ Chapter Seven ~

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"Alfred..." Arthur was pushed up against the wall, Alfred's body pressed up against his. His breath was hot and rapid as Alfred sensually ground his hips against Arthur's. "Ah~" Alfred had started to suck on Arthur's neck just under his jawline, driving Arthur crazy. Alfred began to place kisses along Arthur's neck eventually making his way up to meet Arthur's lips. Arthur's heart fluttered as Alfred sucked on his bottom lip, letting out soft moans. "Alfred..." Alfred stopped and pulled away, opening his eyes, those bright blue beautiful eyes. "Arthur..." Arthur blinked and suddenly Alfred was no longer Alfred. "Oh! Francis?" Confusion filled Arthur head as he felt Francis tighten his grip on Arthur, pushing him further into the wall. "Arthur, what are you doing...?"

Arthur opened his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest and he felt an uncomfortable tightness around his lower region. The blanket was on the floor and Arthur was sprawled out oddly, his body feeling rather hot. What was going on with him. Why the bloody hell would he dream about Alfred. And what's more, it was a hot steamy dream at that. What was he going to do now, he just had an arousing dream about Alfred. He sure as hell couldn't tell Francis and definitely couldn't talk to Alfred about it. He could just keep it to himself. No harm in that, maybe he was just a bit sexually frustrated which just confused Arthur further since he and Francis had sex every other night. Arthur got out of bed, the fabric of his pants rubbing painfully against his arousal. Ah right, he should probably take care of that before he leaves the house.

Mathew had fallen so hard for him. Fallen hard for a man he knew he couldn't have. That day at the bakery made it painfully obvious that the two were smitten with each other and he respected that. But something kept nagging in his mind:

"Hey Mattie I need to cover for me for work, I'm going to finally visit Kiku again..." Ah yes, Kiku. Alfred had broken it off with Kiku awhile back, when their relationship kind of fizzled. Mathew guessed that one of the reasons was that Alfred didn't really like Heracles, Kiku's lazy Greek friend. Something about Heracles' lazy calm personality conflicting with Alfred's loud crazy personality. Mathew tilted his head quizzically, watching Alfred's dull expression. "Eh... did something happen?" "Mmmno I just thought I would rekindle our friendship, I kinda miss him as a friend you know?" Mathew nodded as he leaned against the counter of the cafe. "So why so suddenly... If you don't mind me asking..." Alfred bit his lip and mumbled a bit before responding. "Mattie, I'm in trouble... There's this guy who comes visit the cafe and... I just have to get away for a bit..." Eh? What did that mean? "You're scared of him?" Alfred laughed at the statement but quickly composed himself back into serious mode. "Haha, no. Mattie... I think I'm falling for him... and what's worse... he's taken, but I can't get him out of my head. I've even started drawing him... Matt he's just so gorgeous, his eyes are this beautiful crystal green and he has the cutest eyebrows, they're kinda thick and kinda look like cute little hairy caterpillars." Alfred giggled, then put his face in his hands. "Oh Matt..." He groaned. "What the hell am I supposed to do?" Mathew tapped his chin thoughtfully. "So what does Kiku have to do with it?" "See that's the thing, I just gotta distract myself from Arthur and I'll be fine. By the time I come back, I'll be over it." Alfred was hiding something but Mathew knew better than to pry. Mathew just nodded, knowing full well that Alfred wouldn't get over it. Especially when, before he left, gave Mathew an envelope to hand to Arthur when he came by. All Mathew could do was hope that Arthur had a good head on his shoulders to know not to lead Alfred on.

It was an uncanny coincidence that Mathew had recently fallen for Francis only to find out his brother had fallen for Francis' partner. It was all so screwed up, it made Mathew's head hurt. And his heart. But all he could do was admire Francis from a distance, but Alfred was not as level headed as Mathew. But only the future could tell what happened and Mathew was no fortune teller.

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