~ Chapter Three ~

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"How was your day?" Arthur was nibbling away at the delicious dish Francis had prepared. How the bloody hell did he do it? Sorcery, definitely sorcery. "Hm, oh it was good. I went out and got myself a scone from that nice cafe and met a new fellow named Alfred... and as you know, I fell asleep on the couch for the rest of the day." Arthur gave a little laugh and carried on eating his dinner. A nice homely pot-au-feu, the beef nice, moist and juicy. "Alfred you say... Alfred Jones?" Arthur looked up quizzically. "I didn't ask for his last name. Why? Do you know him?" Francis shook his head lightly, his blonde hair falling in front of his face. He then propped his chin on the palm of his hand "I think I know his brother, that is, Alfred Jones' brother." Arthur nodded and looked into Francis' blue eyes, glittering in the dim dining room light. Silence settled over the room as they both finished their dinner. As usual, Francis would clear the table and Arthur would clean the dishes. Then they would either watch a movie then get down and dirty in the bedroom or skip the movie altogether. Arthur smiled a bit at the thought. He always felt so loved when he and Francis had sex. It was rather comforting. Years ago, he would've never considered having sex with another man. Well, things happen and after a while you realise you like it that way. Arthur finished the dishes and before long the two were intertwined on the couch, falling into dreams in wach others arms. Yes, I am happy like this... Arthur's last thought drifted through his mind like a lingering scent of something sweet before sleep claimed him.

"Arthur! What can I get for you today?" There it was. That smile. Arthur smiled in return as he slightly leaned against the counter. "Another one of those scones please." Somehow, Arthur had once again found himself in the little "Cafe de Amerique" and he had only just recently visited. Well, atleast the scones were bloody delicious, so it was worth it. He sighed happily as he thought about that tasty scone. Maybe he would even eat it here, even though it was summer and the weather was nice outside, he felt like staying in the vicinity of the nice cafe scent. "I would like to eat it here." Arthur said softly as he watched Alfred about to reach for a brown paper bag. Alfred laughed and changed direction to reach for a plate. "Whatever you say." Arthur carefully reached out to take the plate, his fingers lightly brushing against Alfred's. Alfred's breath caught in his throat as he quickly let go of the plate and hurriedly placed his hands back onto the counter. "So, um that'll be $4" His voice was even but there was a hint of fluster in his words. Arthur cracked a smile as he took his wallet out from his back pocket. What a cute reaction. Arthur suddenly felt the urge to be childish. An urge to tease this man. He handed Alfred the money, purposely stroking Alfred's hands with his fingers softly and subtly. Alfred let out a small laugh, taking the money and carefully placing it in the cash register. "Haha, well enjoy your scone then, Arthur." Alfred did not make eye contact with Arthur. He just kept looking at the cash register even though it was already closed again, holding the money that used to occupy Arthur's wallet. "I will" Arthur couldn't stop smiling as he turned to find an empty table. He was quite content with the way Alfred reacted, it was sweet. Ah, youth. Actually now hang on a minute, Arthur wasn't that old. Arthur sat himself at a table sitting in the sun, just right by the window. Sitting himself in the warm light, he placed the plate on the table and sat down on the comfy seat. They were cute little chairs with plush dark orange padding, not too soft so you felt like you were sinking down a few inches but just right. Arthur took a few bites of his scone before glancing up to see Alfred looking at him. Alfred looked away quickly and mumbled something to himself before taking out some note paper and scribbling on it. Probably like what he was doing when Arthur had first met him. Oh, he had wanted to know the man's full name, wondering whether it was in fact Jones, he quietly finished his scone and walked back over to the counter where Alfred was hunched over his note paper. Arthur peered over the counter a bit to see that Alfred was writing some form of a letter with a bunch of lines forming a drawing. There was a name scrawled at the top, addressing the receiver. Arthur coughed politely and Alfred immediately looked up. He looked rather stunned at the fact that Arthur was back here at the counter. "Oh!" He threw his pen to the side and quickly swiped the note paper off the counter, letting it fall to the floor. "Back for more scones?" He laughed nervously. Arthur smiled, "Ah they were good but no. I wanted to ask you a question if it's not too much to ask..." Alfred leaned against the counter, bringing his face closer to Arthur. "Mhm, sure!" "Well, I wanted to know what your full name was." Alfred's blue eyes glittered as he leaned in a bit closer. "Alfred F Jones... and what about you Arthur?" So it was Jones. Hmmmm... "Arthur Kirkland. So do you have a brother, I think my partner knows him..." Something unpleasant crossed Alfred's face. Oh, sensitive subject perhaps? "Oh, sorry if you don't want to talk about it." Alfred looked confused at first then smiled to cover it up. "What? No haha! Yea, Mattie my bro. Nah he's all good, quite quiet, but he's good." Arthur nodded. What was with the disappointed face. Alfred's lips were smiling but his eyes were drowning in disappointment. Maybe a bit of sadness as well. Why was that? He couldn't stay any longer, "Ah well thanks again for the scone, I'll be going now..." And with that he turned and walked out before Alfred had the chance to say anything in response.

"See ya Arthur Kirkland..."

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