~ Chapter Fifteen ~

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~ Now ~

Well, those two brothers were really the death of Francis and Arthur. Arthur walked into the cafe as usual, only this time, feeling a lot more free. As soon as he saw Alfred's face he couldn't help but break out into a big smile. Alfred naturally smiled back, his perfect teeth flashed perfection at Arthur. No more hiding now, Arthur ran to Alfred and wrapped his arms around him, embracing him like a lover should. Alfred smelt so good, like cinnamon with a touch of lemon. Must be from working in the cafe all day. "I broke up with Francis, he's packing his things up now as we speak. He'd only just moved in so moving back out is a simple matter. You don't have to move in just yet because that's too early. Also -" Arthur was cut off when Alfred clearly had enough of Arthur's loose rambling and placed his lips against Arthur's. There were other people in the cafe so Arthur hesitated. He felt a smile play on Alfred's lips so he just went with it and kissed back. His heart fluttered to life and he felt himself fall deep into Alfred's love. He had never felt this loved, even with Francis, Alfred's love just felt so real and pure. He guessed he felt that way since he was just so in love with Alfred, he honestly did not think it was that bad. Alfred pulled away, a cute goofy smile on his face. "I never thought someone could make me feel this way. You make me so happy, thank you..." Arthur watched as Alfred's eyes became a bit wet. "Oh Alfred..." He connected them with another kiss, this one a lot more intense. Arthur began to hear voices in the background, clearly whispering about the events going on here. But heck, Arthur couldn't care less, that was the kind of effect Alfred had on him.

~ Weeks Later ~

"Alfred... I want to have sex with you..." Alfred was lying on the couch, stroking Arthur's hair smoothly, occasionally brushing those thick eyebrows he loved so much. He blushed at Arthur's comment, giggling a bit. "Woah, that was quite sudden haha." Alfred noticed Arthur form a blush of his own. He was just so adorable. "Don't get me wrong, I was kinda waiting for you to ask about that haha." Arthur's blush became more obvious. "Well you should've said something, because I was actually waiting for you to say something." Arthur looked away, clearly embarrassed. "Well why debate when we can just get down to it." Alfred quirked an eyebrow then winked. He watched as his action clearly made Arthur feel hot as he nervously bit his lip. "Well... who's gonna... you know, top?" Alfred was stunned for a moment, like what was he talking about and then it came to him. Oh. Well he kind of assumed he would top but what if Arthur wanted to. He's never bottomed before. "Um, well I was kinda hoping I could top." He said nervously. Arthur looked a bit relieved at that. "Good, because I'm not used to topping..." Alfred was a little surprised. Being topped by Arthur seemed like such a sexy concept even though he had never bottomed before. "Do you mind if you top sometimes?" Arthur laughed nervously. "Well... I could I guess but I just haven't done it often and it takes a lot to get me like that so..." Alfred nodded. "Well then enjoy the ride." He flipped Arthur in the blink of an eye so Arthur was pinned to the couch underneath him. "Ah... this is like a dream I've had -" He shut up immediately. So Arthur had had dreams about him? He's never even heard of that but the thought turned him on. "Having little sex dreams about me but never actually doing them with me? How sneaky..." Alfred whispered into Arthur's ear. Arthur shivered underneath him, his eyelashes fluttered at Alfred. Damn he was so sexy. Alfred trailed his hand down Arthur's body, slowly making his way down to the waist of Arthur's pants. "A-Are we doing it here on the couch? Shouldn't we go to the bed?" Alfred grinned as he lowered his head to place kisses on Arthur's neck. "Mhm we could but I feel like couch sex..." "Is that okay...?" Alfred added quickly. He couldn't let himself get too dominant, he wanted Arthur to enjoy this as much as possible. This was his first time with Arthur after all. "Yes, it's fine, I just don't want you to be uncomfortable." Alfred smiled then put a finger to Arthur's lips. "Just enjoy the ride..." He whispered. Arthur relaxed as Alfred resumed his kisses up Arthur's jaw line, sucking on some parts. Alfred soon found Arthur's lips and kissed them without hesitation. Arthur sighed and kissed back as the kiss suddenly started morphing into a heated passionate kiss.  Alfred's breaths were beginning to turn into pants as he started taking Arthur's shirt off, then followed by his own. He slid his bare chest up Arthur's also rubbing his very hard crotch area against Arthur's, earning a soft moan from Arthur. Alfred slid his hand down and gripped at Arthur's crotch, squeezing Arthur's cock through the fabric. "Nnfff..." Arthur's moan was short put sweet so Alfred repeated the action. He bent his head down to start playing with Arthur's nipples with his tongue, rubbing his tongue flat against them. "Oh Alfred..." Arthur whispered. Alfred pushed Arthur up the couch so his face was right by Arthur's crotch. "I'm sure you taste pretty good, right?" Alfred looked up, giving Arthur his sexiest look. Arthur blushed, putting a hand in front of his mouth as he watched Alfred begin to unzip his tight pants. Arthur sighed with relief as some of the tightness and pressure from the pants was removed. Soon all that was left between them was Alfred's pair of underwear.

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