~ Chapter Five ~

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Arthur's heart was pounding as he dialled Alfred's number, hoping that he would pick up. He was already nervous as hell, what would he say? He could talk about the drawing. That would be a good start, I mean, that was what he had wanted to talk to Alfred about in the first place. He wanted Alfred's point of view on it, his thoughts and intentions behind it. All this thinking was making his head spin. Click "Hello, Alfred F Jones speaking?" Arthur hesitated for a moment, letting the phone line crackle in his ears for about before answering. "Oh hello Alfred, it's me, Arthur..." There was an audible gasp on the other end. "Oh! Hey so you got my drawing! Did you like it? I used to study visual art, so I have a few tricks up my sleeve." How casual. Arthur almost hoped it meant something more. "So, why did you draw me then? Why not the nature outside the cafe?" Silence and then a nervous cough. "Well to tell you the truth, I have never met anyone as beautiful as you, haha!" Arthur felt his body go pleasantly numb as Alfred's laugh spread warmth throughout his body. His cheeks warmed up a little at the statement. "I would've loved to colour the drawing, your eyes are such a nice bright green but that might've taken too long and I can't start bringing a ton of art supplies into the cafe haha!" Arthur's tongue was tied. This man was so blunt and open about this, it was nice. Almost like he didn't need to hide anything from Arthur. "I hope it didn't come across as creepy or anything but I really wanted to show you what I could do and you were the perfect subject. So did you like it?" Arthur paused for a moment. Yes, he liked it a lot. "Yes I did, and no, I did not feel creeped out, I felt flattered." Arthur could hear the American give a small laugh and then a sigh of relief. "Good. Am I glad haha!" "So, you were an art student? Why not pursue art as a career then instead of manning a cafe?" There was a moments silence before Alfred answered. "Ah yes well, I heard from a lot of people that it's hard to make a living off art alone... I kinda do both, work at the cafe and then when I come home, I usually paint or draw. I occasionally sell my works but I become too attached to most pieces, heh heh... But enough about me! What do you do for work Arthur?" Arthur cringed a bit. He didn't like talking about himself much, he preferred to listen to other people spill their stories rather than spilling his own. Still, if asked, Arthur will talk about himself. "I'm an English teacher at a secondary school. It's school holidays at the moment but those end in a week or so, so I will be starting work again soon." "English teacher huh? So you're a bit of a book worm then?" There was a teasing grin in Alfred's voice. Arthur sighed but was grinning slightly "Yes, you could say that..." A soft laugh filled Arthur's ears. "Haha that's nice, I mean, I sometimes like to read a good book too once in a while. Oh god, look at the time, I'm supposed to be meeting with Kiku about now! I have to go, but call me again tomorrow or something... I like talking to you!" Arthur's heart sank a bit. He really did enjoy listening and talking to Alfred and he liked how Alfred's cheerfulness seemed to infect him over the phone. Kiku, Alfred's ex... Wonder what he looks like? What is Alfred's type anyway? But those were questions for another day. "Okay, yes I will call you tomorrow at around 11, does that sound good?" "Yep! Okay, talk to you later Arthur!" And just like the conversation was over, leaving Arthur with a few more questions than before.

"So it turns out the Alfred I know is the brother of a Mathew you know." Arthur had his back turned to Francis while Francis spooned him, their sweaty bare skin resting against each other's. Francis' breath tickled the back of Arthur's neck as he giggled. He was so warm and cosy, Arthur felt so safe in his arms. Those strong beautiful arms that held him in a cosy embrace. Arthur sighed happily as he turned to give Francis a kiss on the nose. "So how did you come to meet Mathew then?" Francis smiled at the gesture then breathed out softly. "Ah, it is not only you who loves my pastries so much. He is a regular customer at my bakery, much like you are a regular customer at the "Cafe de Amerique"." Arthur nodded and nuzzles his face into Francis' neck. "You should visit the cafe with me sometime, the scones are to die for." "Oui, but I do prefer sweet things. Do they have pastries there too?" Well Arthur never picked up on what else the cafe had, as his mind was always set on those mouth watering scones. "Most likely, I mean it is a cafe, but I'm sure it's no where near as good as yours." That made Francis smile, his eyes sparkled at the statement. "Oh honhon, too kind..." Arthur blew into Francis' ear softly, earning a small shiver from him, before he turned his back again, pushing his body up against Francis', closing any tiny gaps that had formed when he turned. "Francis?" "Oui?" "I love you..." Francis kisses the back of Arthur's neck softly before responding. "I love you too my dear Arthur..." His voice was low, coated in that French accent of his, sending shivers up Arthur's spine. Arthur relaxed some more before slowly dosing off. "Say it again but in French please?" He mumbled. A soft laugh escaped Francis' lips "Je t'aime Arthur." Arthur moved his hand back a bit to stroke Francis' leg in acknowledgment before beginning to dozing off. Francis gave a little giggle then nuzzled his face into the back of Arthur's neck. "Bonne nuit Arthur..." Mmmm "Goodnight Francis..."

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