Two- Test

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Kirstie lets go of me and gently pushes my shoulders back onto the table. I lay still until he moves to touch my stomach.

"NO!" I yell and move away from him quickly, ignoring the pain shooting through my body.
All of them look very confused and I start to cry harder.

"Please, don't." I cry, Kirstie takes my hand and lays me back down.
"Shh, Honey, I just need to feel your stomach to make sure nothing is wrong with it. I'll stop if it hurts, I promise." Avi pleads
"I'll be right here and you can hold my hand." Kirstie says.

I slowly ease my way back to laying down and take her hand in mine making them give me small smiles. Avi presses on the four quadrants of my stomach, occasionally making me whimper when he nears the bottom.

"Okay your stomach is fine, I'm just concerned about what's below your stomach. Kirstin, you need to examine her." Avi says

"No, I don't want to be here anymore. I want to leave!"I yell and sit up quickly. I instantly regret it because of the pain in my abdomen and double over myself.

"Woah there, little miss, it's alright, just calm down." Avi says, leaning over me "Take a deep breath," he breaths in deeply trying to get me to copy him.
I take a deep breath like he wants me too and suppress my tears.

"Ana, I'm a gynecologist. I really need to take a look at you to make sure you are alright. Avi and Kevin can stand at your head and you can hold their hands." Kirstie says

I think about it for a few seconds before nodding. Kevin and Avi move to my head while Kirstie pulls on gloves and grabs things out of drawers. Avi lays me down and they stand at my shoulders. Kirstin puts my feet in stirrups and drapes a cloth over my legs. I can hear her breathing hitch when she looks at my body. There is no doubt in my mind that I'm covered in blood and bruises.

"I'm just going to clean you up a bit before I start." She says, she wipes away some of the blood on my legs with a damp cloth. When she throws it in the trash I see it used to be white. It's now red.

She sits down on the stool again, grabs a tool but stops before using it. "Ana, sweetie, you're gonna feel a bit of pressure, but I need you to stay still for me, okay?"
"Mmhm," I hum, and prepare myself for the unknown.

I feel a cool metal slide into me and whimper at the painful new pressure. I squeeze Kevin's hand and shut my eyes. A tear falls and Kevin wipes it away with a sympathetic look on his face. Kirstie does something with another tool and it hurts. A lot. It probably wouldn't be as bad to someone else but it is to me. I cry out and try to move away.

"I'm sorry, we are almost done sweetheart just a few more minutes. I need you to be still so I can be done faster." Kirstie exclaims. Avi tenderly holds my hips in place so I can't move them anymore. Kevin holds my hand and strokes my hair with his free hand.

"You're doing great Ana, hang in there." Kevin says

"Okay, I'm done." Kirstin cheerfully says, she takes her tools and sets them back on a tray. "I have to go take these to be tested, but I'll be right back." She leaves, shutting the door behind her. Avi lets go of my hips and I sit up as fast as I can. Once again I regret it because of my soreness.

"Take it slow Ana," Kevin insist, he places a hand on the small of my back to help give me support.

I turn so my legs are hanging off the bed. Avi is standing at the counter, fiddling with something in a tray. He sets the tray on a small table beside the bed and my heart stops at what I see.

"Ana, we have to do a blood test to check for any illness you might have, so we can treat it immediately." Avi explains.

I back myself into the corner like earlier, tears flow freely from my eyes. My chest gets extremely tight, it becomes hard to breath and I start shaking. I begin to hyperventilate and they stand there starstruck. Kevin slowly steps to me with his hand held out. I pull my legs to my chest and try to push myself farther into the corner.

Kirstin knocks and walks in. She looks shocked and really confused as to what is going on but figures it out in no time that I'm having a panic attack. She rushes over to me and pulls me into her arms.

"Breath Ana, in and out just like me." She says and looks me in the eyes. I try to slow my breathing down and it does a tad bit. "What happened here?" She ask them.
"She saw the needle and started freaking out when I said she had to have a blood test." Avi explains
"It's okay, baby. I right here. There is nothing to be afraid of." Kirstin soothingly says.
"NO! No needle! I'm not letting you hurt me." I yell and shoot from the table.

I'm almost reaching the door handle when Kevin snakes a hand around my waist. I slap at his hand and struggle to release his grip on me. He sets me back on the table where Kirstin firmly holds me in place. She moves my small frame into her lap and I cry into her shirt.

"Shhh, it's alright, baby." She soothes
"I don't want it." I cry
"Ana, it's a small scratch and that's it." Avi claims
"It only takes a few seconds." Kevin says "I'll be really gentle."
I shake my head no and push against Kirstin. Her grip loosens on me and Avi notices. He sit beside us and takes me from Kirstie, since he is stronger. Once they realize I'm not going to calm down and agree to it like earlier, they go into action.

Avi holds me close to his body with my arm out, Kirstie tries to comfort me. It doesn't work. Kevin ties a tourniquet around my upper arm and wipes an alcohol pad on the inner part of my elbow.  He feels for a vein and I struggle more in Avi's arms. He tightens his grip on me to keep me still. Kevin locates my vein and readies the needle.

"1," he counts
"Please," I beg
"3," he says and sticks the needle in. I scream and fight even harder. Avi huffs when I elbow his chest but doesn't let go.

"Take it out! Take it out! It hurts!" I cry in pain.
"Only 30 more seconds, don't focus on the needle, look at Kirstin." Kevin says, he changes to another tube when that one is full. Kirstin pulls my chin up to  make me look at her so I can't see the needle any more. She tries to calm me but it does virtually nothing.

The next 30 seconds feel like 30 years to me. Kevin presses a cotton ball to the needle and pulls it out. I whimper at the movement of the needle and look back to him. He puts a bandaid over the cotton ball and undoes the tourniquet.

I sob into Avi's chest as they try to comfort me. After I finally subside to small sniffles they try to get me to talk.

"We aren't doing anything else, we're done." Kirstin says, it sounds like music to my ears.

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