Demon and Lady of Night

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  Cavalry's POV

Lilacs. Lilacs were on my mind as we enter the village. As a bat, we were able to get a bat's eye view of the village below. Lots of small houses from the entrance and a few stores and bars still open. Good for easy pickings with very minimum detection. I spot Kirito and the others landing on a nearby rooftop. I fly over to them and transform back. The coal black gem I wore as a necklace patted against my chest as I return to a human form.

"The lilac is strong. My breath is tethered to it" I tell the others.

"Why are you thinking of lilacs now?" Jun asks.

"To be honest, I am not sure either. The moment we arrived, I smelled it's fragrance. It's has...intoxicated me"

"Are you referencing Shakespeare?" Klein asks.

"Possibly, though my world is of another"

"Gah! I will never understand you" Klein cries out in annoyance. I only laugh at his confusion.

"So where shall we start?" Kirito asks. "We do have almost a whole town to cover"

"Midnight is falling. I shall search the high ground while you feast below" I explain.

"Very well. See you before dawn" says Jun.

"Wait you understood him?" Klein asks Jun.

"Well yeah, Cavalry is gonna check out the mansion for rich blood while we eat around town" Kirito explains.


"You better get going Cavalry. The night isn't getting any younger" Kirito tells me. I nod and pull my cape over me. I transform into a bat and head to the mansion atop the hill. The smell of lilac was stronger there. Hopefully I would find the source there.

Yuuki's POV

Dinner was..uneventful. The chefs did indeed make curry but the scent was way off to what I smelled on the balcony. After dinner we got ready for bed. The servants checked the cross and wiped them with a wash of Holy water. Nori, Talken and Tecchi had their night teas and went to their posts. Silica, Sinon and Nori all went to their room. I was to share a room with Asuna. The moon was high in the sky that night. I tie back my hair and get into my night gown. Asuna does the same as we get into our own beds.

"Asuna, what would you do if a vampire does attack?" I ask her from my bed.

"I'm not sure. I've heard they mainly drink from animals because humans are hard to bite"

"I see.."

"Don't worry Yuuki. We'll be fine"

"I know. The crosses will protect us"

"Good night Yuuki" Asuna says blowing out the candle light.

"Good night Asuna." I close my eyes for sleep.


  Two hours later...

I open my eyes from my rest. The spiced smell was stronger than ever. I sit up in my bed. I wouldn't be able to sleep like this. The scent would bother me all night. I carefully get out of bed and go to the balcony. It was near, I could smell it move from one spot to another. I had to find who or what it was. I quickly dress up and grab the pistol kept in the closest. A safe measure for if a vampire was to somehow gotten in. I go onto the balcony, the vine fence was the perfect make-shift ladder. I carefully climb down to a sight I wish I hadn't seen. A dark tan skinned vampire was drinking from one of the mansion guards. His mouth was stained from the blood. I aim my gun at him and click the hammer, ready to fire.

"The smell of spices? It can't be him?"

Cavalry's POV

 I survey the area for any potential victims. My throat felt dry. I was in need of blood, to ail this ailment. I catch sight of a mansion guard. An easy bite. I transform back to human form and hide in the shadows. The guard passes by me without notice. I peer from the shadows and attack. Quick and silent I bite into his neck. My fangs do the heavy work and pierce the blood vessel. The blood is tasteless, only to energize me. A vampire has no taste for food, it is bland and flavorless. You can poison it with metal and it would be fine for vampires to eat. Scarf it down without another word. The only food that matters is the blood, the only real source of food. I had a third of my fill and release the victim. Vampires shouldn't drink heavily of one victim, we were to keep them alive. I lick my lips. They were still coated with blood. A careless mark on my behalf. A familiar smell wafts my air. The smell of lilacs. I hear the hammer of a gun click.

"At gunpoint but, the smell of lilacs. Is it here?"  

 Is it here?"  

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