The Unfaithful Encounter

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  Yuuki POV

I keep the gun aimed at the boy. 

"What demon defiled you to do such deeds?" I ask him in a menacing voice. Hopefully he thinks of me as a vampire hunter than a petty girl. He turn to me with his hand in front of him.

"How I do wish I was defiled. The demon is possessing me, I am the demon itself." I gasp.

"A vampire? But...your so young"

"Our bodies age much slower than humans. I don't know my exact age, but I am sure it is close to the hundreds. The body you see now is quite close to the age eighteen"

"Only a year from my age"

"Who goes there!" a voice yells to us. The vampire charges at me pushing me to the wall and holding me by the neck. I try to pry from his grip.

"Say nothing Lady Lilac. One word and my life will be at end" he tells me in a whisper.

"F-fine. Just don't hurt me and I won't hurt you" I whisper back to him. He pulls his cloak over us. I hear footsteps rush to where we were.

"What is it my imagination?" I hear Nori ask herself

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"What is it my imagination?" I hear Nori ask herself. More footsteps rush to her.

"Nori is everything alright?"

"We heard your yell." It was Talken and Tecchi.

"I thought I heard voices here, though I found no one." I wanted to yell out and call them to us. Expose where we were hiding and have this intruder killed though, something stopped me. The smell of spice, it was soothing. This boy was meaning no harm, only calming his thirst.

"Never mind it then, let's get back to our posts" Talken suggests. The footsteps retreat as he loosens his grip. When he was sure they were gone he pulls the cloak off of us.

"A close shave for my taste" he says in relief.

"I see.." I fidget in place. The spice smell was still around.

"Lilacs" the vampire mumbles.

"What was that?"

"Lilacs, when I first arrived here it was I mind. Then I find the flower, to be you. You are the smell I have been searching for"

"What do you mean? Why does lilacs have with me?"

"I see it now, you're the flower that let's it's perfume run free. You do not fear you?"

"You had saved me from being caught by the guards, I should show some gratitude"

"Shall I carry you to your room? It is quite late for a fair lady as such"

"Oh you don't need to do such a thing"

"Nonsense." The vampire picks me up bridal style. "You may announce me as Count Cavalry. For you?"

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