Letters of Comfort

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  Dear, Spice smelling Cavalry.

Have you been well? I know it is strange to be writing to you by letter but, it was an idea from my friends.

I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I was trying to make you bite me because I thought it would confirm your love for me. You do have feelings for me right? I shouldn't have forced it on you like that. You might have been not ready for it. I still deeply apologize for that. My days have been lonely without our visits at night. I wish for it to return. To talk and share the two sides of the world we live in. Just a lady and a vampire sharing stories and feelings. I would be very joyous if you did.

From, Lady Yuuki.


Dear, Lady Lilac

I have received your letter not long ago. So that was the plan you devised for that time ago? A clever play I must say. I should apologize for my actions as well. I was dumb not to see that you had feelings for me. There is a reason I don't want to bite you but that will be for another day. I kinda injured myself so I cannot visit for a while longer. I'm sorry, though I do hope things are going well on your side.

Yours truly, Cavalry


Dear Cavalry,

I'm so glad when you responded to my letter. It has been too long since I have talked to you. Thank you, thank you for responding to me. It gave me relief to know you are fine and well. Eh, sort of. Are you doing better? Was the injury caused from me? I didn't mean any harm if it is. Moving aside that, do you have feelings for me? Ever since we first met, I felt my life become brighter, more vibrant. Like a new leaf in autumn. If it doesn't hurt you, can we talk about each other? I want to know what you think of us..if your okay with it.

From, Lady Yuuki

P.S If you are stuck in your home, how are you getting my letters?


Dear, Lady Yuuki

I'm alright. Truthfully, I am. I just starved myself and hurt myself like that. I should be fine within the months. 'Like a new leaf in autumn.' That is what you called our encounter, isn't it? I like it, very cute on your behalf. So about us?


I do have feelings for you. I wish to share it but, it takes time. I'm...still unsure how I want to profess it. Maybe when I return we can talk in more detail.

P.S I have some other friends who do their visits for me.

P.P.S Yes they are vampires too  

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