Vampire Love?

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  Yuuki's POV

Sunlight shines through the windows. Stray rays fall on my face as they wake me up.

"Morning Yuuki" Asuna greets as she stretches her arms."Sleep well?"

"Yeah I guess. No vampires to report." I cover my mouth as I yawn. Spices. I was blasted with it's scent. I bring my palm to my nose and sniff it. It did smell of spices. "It wasn't a dream? No it can't be true." Lisbeth suddenly enters our room.

"Guys! We got bite victim!"

"A bite?" Asuna gasps.

"Who is it? Is he alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, it was a mansion guard. He's alright, just a little shocked"

"I-is he going to turn into a vampire?" Asuna asks in fear.

"No, vampires biting others won't turn them into vampires. That's was all folklore and stuff"

"Oh good" I sigh in relief. Cavalry meant no harm. I'm glad.

"We're going to have to ramp up the security. We're giving all the guards garlic necklaces and holy crosses"

"I-is all that necessary?" I ask Lisbeth.

"The guard was knocked out all night, he didn't even realize the night had passed until he woken up" Lisbeth explains.

"Well the day is still young. I'll help with the necklaces" says Asuna.

"You don't need to do that. The cooks can handle it" I tell her.

"Well it's still worth a try. Yesterday was supposed to be the big feasting. Any other nights will be less dangerous but security is first." Lisbeth leaves us to help the others as Asuna and I get ready for the day. Hopefully Cavalry can meet me tonight.

Night-Cavalry's POV

Moonlight peeks through the windows as I awaken. The day of brethren feasting was over so I would be able to travel around more freely. There was one place in particular I was wanting to go.

"Heading out already Cavalry?" Siune calls out to me.

"Yeah, I want to get the good blood while it's still out. Not really a fan of drunkard blood"

"Okay, take care out there." I wave Siune a parting as I transform into a bat and head out. Lilacs. She was waiting outside for me. I quickly soar to the mansions when a terrible smell almost knocks me from my flight.

"Garlic? It can't be." I look to the guards below. The scent was stronger on them. "Drats. I'll have to endure it as I enter." I fly up as high as I can and nosedive to Yuuki's balcony. I transform back and land softly as a feather behind her. "Lady Lilac?" I whisper to her. Yuuki gasps and turns to face me.

"You arrived!" she says in happiness.

"Why would I not? Your lilac scent always drag me by the collar." She giggles.

"Were you okay entering through here? I heard they gave every guard garlic to wear"

"It was pungent, it's scent scarred my nose, I made here though"

"That's good to hear. Why do vampires hate garlic?"

"Our senses are enhanced. Garlic may smell fine to you but, it's pungency is a harm to us." I stumble. Yuuki grabs a hold of my arm.

"A-are you alright?"

"Y-yes. Just woozy from awakening." She stares into my eyes. The deep crimson eyes seem to see through me and my lie.

"You didn't drink any blood now did you?"

"You've seen through me like glass. It is true"

"You must be starving. Um, if you like, you can bite me.." I stare blankly at her. I couldn't do such a thing.

"I-i can't"

"Why not? If you don't eat, you'll hurt your body"

"I can live another moon without the crimson life"

"Okay. I'm always available if you like." Yuuki was willing to be bitten. She doesn't fear me at all.

"I shall keep it at heart." We talked a little for a while about our time away. Her days were simple, doing the works of ladies, being fitted and taught about dresses and stuff as such.

"You know, you're what makes my day. Getting to talk to you and about my day really completes it for me"

"The thanks is on you. My nights were at it's highest when I followed the trail of lilacs." An awkward silence falls among us. "I must be off"

"Why now? The night is still early"

"If I leave now, then I will have a bite to find"

"I see. Take care." Yuuki moves forward and hugs me. I jump in surprise. "Oh, sorry. I should have told you I was going to do that"

"It is alright. Surprise had caught me off guard"

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"By the moon's light." I bow and fall backwards on the railing. I quickly transform into a bat and make my way back to my mansion. The wooziness was making my vision go strange but I managed to reach the mansion. I collapse at the door from fatigue.

"Cavalry? Cavalry!"

I awaken what felt like a few hours later. A shadowed figure blocks the light.

"Mom?" I manage to groan.

"Yes honey, you loving mother has come to take care of you" Leafa teases in a mock mother's voice.

"Leafa, he just passed out. He's probably still delusional" Siune tells her. My eyes flutter open. "Cavalry, are you okay?" Siune asks.

"Fine, I think?" Leafa hands me a small vial of blood. I take a quick sip of it before handing it back.

"Did you forget to drink some blood tonight?" Leafa asks me.

"Yeah, I was checking out the mansion but everyone was wearing garlic necklaces" I explain to them.

"You have to be more careful next time. Vampires are more prone to hunger pains than humans do" says Siune.

"I know, I know. Just lost my track of time"

"It's already quite late. You better head to bed" says Leafa.

"Right, and sorry for worrying you guys"

"It's fine" Siune says leading me out. "Just be careful next time round." I head to my coffin and begin my rest for the day.

"Yuuki, the moon is the only witness of this dastardly play of fate. Vampires and humans can never be this close as we are. It will have tragic consequences."  

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