The Moonlit Return

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Cavalry POV

Tonight was the night I long waited. To return to my Lady Lilac was something more than a dream. Everyone had known about us and were ready to support me all the way through. Siune opens the door.

"Come on. Everyone's waiting" she tells me walking to my side. I smile and stare out the window for a moment. The village was bright with their night lights. "Shouldn't keep everyone waiting for you. Including that special someone" she teases tugging me away into the main hall. I walk alongside her. I wouldn't have survived this long without her help.

"Welcome back lover boy" Jun says greeting me.

"A rose for the lady" Leafa says placing a rose in my breast pocket.

"Make sure to her your lady friend that if you don't suffice, I can always take over" Kirito jokes.

"I'll make sure to tell her friend. She might be interested" I tease back.

"Hey! Don't forget to mention me!" Klein butts in.

"Right, I'll make sure to get her thanks for the messenger boy"

"Great-Wait what?!?" Klein exclaims. We all laugh.

"I best be off. Better get there before day's light" I tell them bowing in thanks. I transform into a bat as I fly into the night.

The moon is full, on a night as thou, with the moonlight sharing its gaze, smiling upon two destined lovers, oh how Madre Luna, can only spoil her offspring, to love as he dares.


Yuuki's POV

Based off of Cavalry's letters, he was going to return this night. I was gushing with so much happiness, I think the others started to notice it as well. I would spill a random giggle or get really red and blushy. It was so embarrassing.

"Meeting someone lately?" Sinon asks me as we practice shooting at a firing range. I need a lot of practice to defend myself and Sinon had a special trait we dubbed as Hawk Eyes. She could see her target from about a mile away.

"Why do you say that?" I ask firing a few shots at the target with my pistol.

"Missed the bullseye by 3 inches. Your aim is off is one reason"

"Fine, you got me. I've been meeting with someone" I admit to her.

"A secret lover? Let me in on this" a voice bounces in.

"Nori! When did you get here?!" I ask in surprise. Nori walks out of her hiding spot behind one of the bashed bullseye target.

"I have my ways" she says with a sly giggle. "So who's this secret visitor you were talking about?"

"It's no one really" I say trying to avoid the question.

"No more hiding it. It's a boy right?" Sinon asks.


"Is he a villager?" Nori asks.


"Or is he a rich smug person trying to get your hand in marriage?" Sinon suggests.

"What type of wracked idea is that?!" Nori exclaims.

"It's possible. Can't say it's not a good one"

"And your willing to-"

"He's foreign!" I shout stopping them from arguing any more. "He's foreign as in Indian"

"Well why didn't you say so!" Nori says dropping her arm on my shoulder. "Let me guess, is he a spicy lover?" My cheeks burn up in a blush.

"I always thought you of a softer type of lover" Sinon adds in.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nori asks.

"Hey cool it. I was just thinking that Jun would be suitable to you. A person can be small but be big where it counts." I could have a serious nosebleed now.

"Stop! Oh my Jezebel!" I blurt out in embarrassment. "It's nothing like that! We...haven't seen each other in over a month and he's supposed to return tonight"

"That's all? And you had us worried over nothing" Nori says waving her hand about. I pout.

"You just don't get cause you don't have a boyfriend yet" Sinon teases.

"Why you"

"Guys it's fine. I've been meeting with him for a while now and I'm just super giddy to have him back. Please don't tell anyone else" I tell Nori and Sinon.

"Fine" says Nori

"You have my word" Sinon agrees.


A/n: Sorry for the relatively short chapter everyone. It's kinda harder to re-write a series you dedicated so much time on and then lose it all at once.

I'll try to make the next chapters more special as I continue the series. 

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