Resisting Instincts

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  Yuuki's POV

Morning had arrived quicker than I thought. Everyone was already at breakfast by the time I woke up.

"Morning Yuuki" Sinon greets me as I enter the dining hall.

"Morning. Did everyone eat already?"

"Yeah. They went to do their own things"

"Oh, must be busy." I take a seat beside Sinon as she sips her tea.

"Have anything in mind today?"


"Is something on your mind?"

"No, not really." Sinon moves closer to me.

"Your hiding something. Better spill it"

"My lips are wax sealed"

"Fine, I'll just tell Asuna that you and Tecchi were making out in private"

"Whaaaa! You wouldn't dare say such a lie!"

"Then spill, or else"


"Asuna" Sinon calls out in a tuned voice.

"I might have fallen in love with a bad person!" I blurt out.

"That's all? Man, you were making it sound like it was a bad thing"

"Well it is!"

"How so?"

"He..he's not human"

"Ouch, kinda harsh don't you think?"

"Not like that, he's-"

"Sinon! We need help in the infirmary!" Asuna says bursting through the doors.

"What happened?"

"Talken got bitten and we need to give him a blood transfusion"


"Is it that bad?"

"Yes, your the closest donor we have so we got to hurry." Sinon rushes off beside Asuna. My legs give way at the rush of adrenaline and fear.

"Cavalry wouldn't do such a thing. Would he? No, he was too weak to try. Cavalry better explain himself tonight"

Late Evening Cavalry's POV

I wake up to sound of Leafa and Siune talking.

"I accidentally nicked that guard on the arm and he was bleeding too much" Leafa tells Siune.

"Is he going to be alright? Was it too deep?"

"He'll be fine..I hope"

"What happened Leafa? Was it near the mansion" I ask waking up from my coffin.

"Oh sorry Cavalry, didn't mean to wake you" Siune apologizes.

"Never mind that. Good evening. What happened Leafa? Was it near the Mansion?"

"As I was biting one of the guards his weapon stabbed into my arm. By reflex I kinda nicked him and he wouldn't stop bleeding from it." I rub the back of my neck in anxiety.

"You must have caught him off guard and raised his heartbeat. Just try to be careful next time. I'm trying to study the mansion's guard pattern"

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