Of Humans and Vampires..

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A/n: How long has it been since I made a chapter? A month? Two? Well long story short, Job took my time. Got lots of money. Quit my job. Time to write.

"Ugh this is such a nuance and it's forcing this weight of boredom on me" Yuuki whines planting her head and arms onto the main hall table. A day after her vampire kiss with Cavalry, the town was forced to adopt a curfew when rumors of a werewolf sighting outside of town had begun to spread.

"Oh simmer down Yuuki" Sinon scolds reading her book. "You could be training if you that suffered from boredom"

"But thats more boring to do" Yuuki whines a little more. She leans forward trying to tap on the back of Sinon's book. Sinon abruptly taps her finger with the book causing Yuuki to recoil from the pain. "Meanie!" she says sticking her tongue out before sucking on her injured finger.

The door bashes open as a sudden flash of lightening flashes a figure in a menacing look. Simon shivers a little feeling something ominous in the air.

"Lisbeth! You're back!" Yuuki says jumping at her still by the doorway. "It's been so long! Where have you been? How have you been?"

"Oh Yuuki" Lisbeth laughs. She hugs Yuuki in greeting. Sinon sighs in relief.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack" Simon greets.

"Haha. Well its good to be on your guard" Lisbeth says placing her heavy bolt crossbow aside. "Is Asuna around? I want her to check on my wounds"

"She's a little busy with some villagers who claim to have gotten sick from the werewolf" Simon explains.

"I can check them" Yuuki suggests. "I've been studying beside her so I know the basic healing methods"

"I see no harm in that" Lisbeth agrees. Lisbeth takes a seat as she takes off her metal armor. She raises her shirt showing off lots of scratches and minor cuts. Even some old scars that dated from a fight long ago.

"What did this to you?" Yuuki asks taking out some light ointment to clean the wounds. "How did you get all of these scars?"

"Well you won't really believe me" Lisbeth begins.

"Try me" Yuuki tests. Sinon rolls her eyes and closes her book with a clap.

"Where are you going Sinon?" Lisbeth asks seeing her leave the room.

"You're going to tell your famous battle with the Vampire Lord. I'll wait till Christmas to hear of that again" Sinon replies waving her hand in leave.

"So the Vampire Lord did all this!?" Yuuki asks with bright eyes.

"Ah not all of them. Some were a recent werewolf attack" Lisbeth explains. Yuuki pours some antibacterial liquid onto a clothe before cleaning Lisbeth's wounds.

"So how did you face the Vampire Lord?" Yuuki asks.

"Um first, a little truth I never told anyone" Lisbeth begins.

"A truth?"

"I'm going to entrust it to you. Please never tell anyone. Understood?"

"It shall never leave these lips till the day I pass" Yuuki promises.

A/n: Play the music above now. Also Loop it.

"The Vampire Lord is actually my lover" Lisbeth sighs in a sound of defeat. Yuuki quietly gasps covering her mouth in surprise.

"How....how did it happen?" Yuuki asks unsure to even let this tale continue.

"I'm..still unsure of what to make of it" Lisbeth begins. "I saw all the earliest signs of his change but only feared it was the fear that scratched his heart" Lisbeth says hissing in pain as Yuuki cleans a fresh wound.

"But I thought it was impossible to be turned by a bite" Yuuki explains from what knowledge she had gained from working with Asuna.

"I feel a darker being was at the base of it" Lisbeth explains as Yuuki bandages her arm. "We we're so naive back then" Lisbeth says slamming her hand on tbe table.

"It wasn't your fault Lisbeth. You couldn't have foreseen such consequences" Yuuki says in comfort. Lisbeth sighs in relief. The comfort she got from Yuuki was what she needed when remembering this harsh time. "Did you have to fight him?"

"I did my best to avoid to do so; yet our meetings are inevitable" Lisbeth says rubbing her temples with an enstranged smile on her face.

"Are you..laughing?" Yuuki asks perplexed by Lisbeth's reaction.

"Its hard to explain" Lisbeth says holding back a giggle. "Its as if I savor every little minute we share. Just to be by his side once more"

"Oh Lisbeth.." Yuuki sighs in despair. She binds the last bandage over Lisbeth's wounds.

"Till the day I part, I want to see him smile once more because of me" Lisbeth finishes putting her armour back on.

"Just don't do anything stupid alright? I still want my family all in once piece" Yuuki warns helping her put the breastplate on.

"I don't plan on dying till I see you married off to someone special" Lisbeth teases. Yuuki nervously laughs knowing of Lisbeth knew who she was dating, she might pass to the next life from a heart attack. "Oh and one more thing" Lisbeth begins.

"Y-yes?" Yuuki asks nervously a little worried Lisbeth had found out.

"I replaced the bullets in your pistol with silver ones" Lisbeth says holstering crossbow bolts to her calves. "So keep it on you in case you're going outside"

"Oh. Oh! Understood! Thank you Lisbeth" Yuuki thanks lightly bowing.

"Stay safe now" Lisbeth says heading out for a long shift of ordering guards around.

A door open behind Yuuki.

"Who had come in Yuuki?" a voice asks. Yuuki turns to Asuna entering the main hall. Her apron was stained with blood.

"It was Lisbeth. She just passed by to have her wounds checked" Yuuki explains.

"Oh no. I was so busy with the injured guards in the infirmary. Is she leaving without being checked?" Asuna asks in worry.

"Don't worry. I took care of her. I did learn from the best after all" Yuuki explains.

"Oh thank you Yuuki. I would give you a hug but..." Asuna says gesturing to her messy apron.

"Don't worry. You have a lot on your plate anyways. I only did what I can to lighten your load." Yuuki looks outside and notices the village walls surrounding the town. "Um Asuna, if I was...to learn more of the mythical, who would I go to?" Yuuki asks trying to be discreet as she can.

"You want to learn more about the werewolves I'm guessing?" Asuna asks seeing right through her plan.

"Well..you can say that" Yuuki says in defeat.

"I think Silica will know about more about this" Asuna says wiping her hands. "She should be the town shrine so look there first"

"Thank you. I'll head there first" Yuuki thanks heading to the door.

"Take your pistol!" Asuna calls out to her.

"Right!" Yuuki says holsterimg her weapon in a secret pocket of her dress.


A/n: Oof. A long chapter I finished over night but I'm glad I was able to add a good amount of lore for it. The next chapter will take on the Vampire side of this same tale so I hope you enjoyed this so far.

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