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"perhaps the saddest of allare those who live waitingfor someone they're not sure exists"

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"perhaps the saddest of all
are those who live waiting
for someone they're not
sure exists"

Sadie turned the page to her new book and continued reading the next poem. She had been hooked from the minute she opened the book last night. As she finished brushing her teeth she placed the book down and got into the shower.

Through breakfast, she read and then headed for work. Without a doubt, she would get home and continue reading the book until she was done. For now, she did her job, had lunch, went back to work and clocked out at four.

She walked out of the sliding doors and looked both ways before she saw the familiar head of messy blonde hair.

"Now you're following me for sure," she said.

"I'm not but I came to see you," he said putting his cigarette out, "my name is Jason."

"Nice to meet you, Jason," she smiled.

"You're Sadie, right?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied, "why'd you decide to tell me your name?"

He shrugged, "I have a few days off, it's a new city, I could use the company."

"So you just moved here?" she asked beginning to walk.



"Mexico," he said.

"Interesting," she said.

"So do you go to school? Only work? Any family?" he asked.

"I only work. My mom lives in northern California and I don't know about my dad," she explained.

"So no siblings?"

"No, what about you?"

"I'm all I have," he said.

"No brothers or sisters?"

"One brother, Alex, but like I said before, those that are close to me end up getting hurt," he said.

Sadie assumed that Alex was seriously injured or maybe even dead which meant that someone had to kill him. Could it have been Jason himself? Was she messing with the wrong person?

"Well, why do they get hurt? What do you even do for a living?" Sadie asked.

Deep inside she had her conclusions and she was pretty sure she knew what it was that he did.

"That's a good question that I can't answer," he said.

"I may be naïve but I'm not stupid. You don't have to tell me, I already know," she said.

"Oh really? Well Ms. Know It All, what do I do for a living?" he asked.

"You're some kind of dealer, what is it? Drugs? Could be other expensive things like diamonds or guns," she whispered.

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