March 8th and 9th

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Well I spent the night with my grandmother that lives down the hill from me. She's probably closer to me than my own mother is. I can tell her almost anything about my life and she'll help me. So we stayed up until midnight listening to music on my phone and it was really cool. then we woke up at 10 am today and we had a reasonably normal day until around noon when the nursing home called her and said "your mother (aka my great grandmother) can't swallow anything including the pill she NEEDS for her to get rid of this Cdiff disease. It's such a bad thing for her since she's 93 years old and it's caused from being put on too many medicines over a period of times, medicines other than that pill won't work, and it causes terrible diarrhea from this species of spore bacteria. It causes extreme pain in your intestines and colon.

Granny Rose (my great grandmother) was on morphine every 4 hours until the doctor said it was fine for her to have it every 2 hours for pain plus another pain killer called Ativan every 6 hours. Then around 2 p.m. March 9th my grandmother called the doctor and the nursing home and her sisters then found out her IV came out. The doctor basically said "Your mother is dying. Call hospice now." So she called hospice and told then to come as soon as possible. My grandmother told all her sisters and told them to meet at the nursing home then tell everyone else that "Mother is dying." She left for the nursing home with her sister Kathy to see granny Rose for probably the last time. They would have to "suit up" which means put on a gown, gloves, and a mask to protect themselves from getting this deadly infection.

Right now it's in the 9 o'clock hour and I'm getting pretty tired since I tried to keep the positive, happy emotions flowing through this horrible time for everyone. I was really hoping spring break would be GREAT but it turned out to be not so good. It's Sunday so i'm gonna listen to the Dawson Mccallister show like I always do every Sunday and hope I can stay strong for a little while longer. R.I.P Rosella Morefield aka Granny Rose; have fun with your little son who died as an infant, and with your relatives, friends you've lost throughout the 93 years you've been on this Earth. I hope the first person you meet up there in heavan is your husband Jess and then your parents; I hope you enjoy living forever with your little son you lost. I'll see you within the next hundred years hopefully.

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