March 20th 2014

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I've still had these deadly memories of the guys in my life or used to be in my life and it just breaks my heart. Through it all I don't shed a tear but I just stare blankly at the wall and think of these thoughts. I don't even know what triggers them. I told some of my friends and they didn't really understand my hurt. Everyday this week I look where Dylan's locker is and every time I see him or don't see him at his locker or in the hallways I start thinking about how he hurts me without him knowing it. I still look for him though; It's like I love this pain a little too much love my heart all busted up. I may smile at school around my friends but nothing kills the loneliness I feel inside knowing that there's probably not a guy in the world or at my school that cares bout me.

I mainly spent my day being sad and thinking at school then taking tests in 5th and 6th hour. I sat with my friend Tres (Trey) like I always do on the bus and he makes me happy but I don't feel anything more than a friend towards him. When me and my bro got off the bus we had to walk 6/10ths of a mile home and then take care of the animals then I came in checked the news feed on here, Facebook talked a little bit to friends, and just got on YouTube and listened to music until now (11 p.m.)

I started on my homework for 3 hours 8 pm to 11 pm and started writing this. Now I'm gonna get ready for bed since I have school tomorrow. TGIF though so YAY! At lunch my senior grade friend Veronika came over to my table and said "Since you gave me some tots a few weeks ago I decided I'll let you have mine." so she sat like a whole 2 handfuls down on my lunch tray. Then Octavies, Sadie got into a playful fight, Octavies grabbed one of my tots and started throwing them at Sadie then she grabbed some and started throwing back. Meanwhile I was trying to break the food fight up since 1) I was eating those and 2) they shouldn't be throwing food in the cafeteria.

I'd love to hear your comments, advice, opinions and vote, share or message me anytime. I want your feedback :) lol. Anyway enjoy your day and I'll try to enjoy mine. Keep reading the stories, and try to make life as happy as you possibly can. Get rid of the toxic people in your life while you're still alive. Keep living day by day don't stay in the past or leap into the future just go with the flow as much as possible. Read Dylan's Hugs by me I promise you'll enjoy.!!!! Thanks for reading! :)

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