April 26th 2014

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I woke up with my mom yelling at me to wake up and start chores around 11 am. I was so tired and I felt sick and I had a headache so I didn't want to do anything. I got up after like 3-5 minutes later and done some of the chores she asked of me. My sister Brittney came out today to take care of her animals and feed/water them. We talked a little bit and I mean a little little bit. I made plans to go to Gorham for my cousin Sadie's b'day party since her actual b'day is tomorrow and she's going to St. Louis to go to an art museum with her friends (not including me...)

When we were leaving my dad let me drive the Dodge Durango up to our mailbox to meet our aunt (Sadie's mother) so we could go to Gorham with her. I didn't crash so that's good. We had a lot of awkward silences on the ride down there. We finally got down there and Sadie, Bri, Kayla were already at Sadie's house and we (my brother and I) had to wait at our grandmother's house for the b'day girl, her friends to get down there. Bri and Kayla were making jokes about my brother and even though they were joking I took it seriously and then Sadie joined in and after her friends left I said to Sadie "What's your problem today? You're acting so different today!" I didn't yell I just raised my voice a little. She said "I'm sorry I'm different." and left out the door to get with her friends. I just worked on homework, making the rubber-band bracelets.

I didn't talk to Sadie or either of her friends for about 1-2 hours after that. Sadie came over to the park where I was on the merry-go-round pushing myself to try and get the anger out but it didn't work and she apologized and told me to tell me why I was mad and stuff. I told her I couldn't. She said "Fine! Act like this now and forever because I don't care ANYMORE!" I said "Yeah same here!" Then her mother asked what was going on and Sadie walked across the street to her mother and I'm not sure what she told her but she stood at the corner of the 2 sidewalks and started looking around then she started crying then she walked down to her house and came out like an hour later.

I felt sad knowing I made her cry but I didn't go immediately to apologize. I waited around 8 p.m. when she had to blow out her candles. She went down to her house and I followed her. When she came out of the bathroom I told her we needed to talk so we walked into her room and I shut the door. I told her I was sorry about saying the things I did and she started crying. I gave her my b'day present to her (a rubber band bracelet that conveniently matched her shirt.) She asked if I chose the color pattern for any reason I just replied "No, I just knew you liked blue and green. Purple's a girl color, and white for the space between the colors." She told me thank you and how it matched her shirt.

We started laughing and talking again. I know both of us will never be the same again but I told her how today was just a bad day for me but I was apologizing so maybe it will end up better. I made more bracelets and gave 2 to my grandmother and my aunt. Kayla and Bri were doing a "talk show thing" where we would be interviewed by them and we pretended to be famous people. I was Katy Perry and Sadie was Little John. That was pretty fun. We left from there after my brother Joe got back from my cousin Caleb's friends house with Caleb in his car. And now I'm home writing this.

I'm wishing you the best luck in your life, school work, and your future. I'm hoping that nothing bad ever comes your way and all your days will be happy ahead of you. Remember comment, vote, PM me and share my stories. I'm really proud about my book "Dylan's hugs" and "Scars" I have more books but I'm working on them in draft for now. I'm almost constantly writing when I have the spare time to so I have quite a bit now. Be as nice, and grateful as you can possibly be to everyone.

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