March 19th

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Today was pretty good except for the constant feeling of sadness. In 4th hour (World History) my teacher Mr. Baker got his first smartphone for christmas from his wife, he really hates technology he says and suri or however you spell the name but anyway he was telling about protests about the vietnam war when he was a sophomore in high school and how people were lined up and down Illinois Avenue. Then his google thing kicked in and suri said "Here is a map of Illinois Avenue." The whole class laughed. It was just really funny. I told my cousin Sadie, my friend Octavies about that but they didn't laugh.

My friend Octavies finally got the hang of snapchat and she took pictures of me, Sadie, and my other best friend Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn hates people taking pictures of her but just as I was about to pose Octavies said "Okay. I got your picture done and sent it to my story." I was like "Huh, I done my cute pose for the camera and you didn't take that pic but you took the pic of me laughing, acting stupid." I was mad but happy at the same time. I told my friend Tres (trey) about Mr. Baker's class and he was laughing for about a minute; he found it funny I guess.

I found myself thinking about my ex, Dylan, my old crush today and it made me glum. I really don't know why these memories keep coming back to me NOW... I wish they would just leave me alone and let me be happy by myself.

Then in p.e. we're playing this new game called pickleball. It's where you hit a wiffle ball with a heavy wooden paddle almost like badminton. I got partnered up with this one special ed girl named Robin and she was rushing me and bossing me around saying stuff like "Don't hit it so high this time! Hurry up! Just hit the ball already silly! Come on Staci we don't have forever." Let's just say I got ticked and was hitting the ball right at her, over her. I have a short temper when people tell me what to do, how fast to do it and when I'm tired which I was I get mad faster.

We learned about protection, had a little class on sex ed in Elp (extended learning period/study hall) today and we'll have it til this friday but I just found it weird how the teacher was a male talking about this stuff, blushing but being serious with us. I think this is the most awkward thing that will happen this week unless well I really don't know what would be more awkward. ;)

I have to get ready for bed now but I hope you enjoy your day, night tomorrow. Comment advice or just comment, vote, share with your friends, and read my other stories. I hope tomorrow will be just at least slightly better than today for you. I hope you have enjoyed my online diary from the first entry to now but I'll keep it updated because I like venting this way so I can look back on this day like 20 years from now and see how my teen years were. Enjoy!!!!!!! :)

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