March 18th 2014

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Today was an alright day since I was still having back pain but I wasn't having the constant nauseous feeling. I took my first day of medicine today. I thought about how it ended with my ex boyfriend, and it just kept replaying in my mind how he hurts me when he even tries to be nice. Then I was thinking about how me and my friend Dylan used to be so close but now every time I message him through social media or text he doesn't reply. I don't know why but he just doesn't. I'm trying to get over him still. I just can't deal with him hurting me all the time. He doesn't do it intentionally but on accident actually I don't think he notices how much it hurts. I just have to say that he has changed a lot over this year. It's true I've seen it with most of my friends already HIGH SCHOOL CHANGES PEOPLE.!!!!!!!!!

My friends on Facebook were posting stuff so they could "vent" and some of their stuff was just funny. I'm watching a video that my friend Octavies posted me and her boyfriend in. It's the little fight that happened in elp today. There wasn't a teacher so Raymond (who has a crush on me) and Cole got into a fight and they were moving desks around, getting in the fighting stance. It was kinda funny but kinda mean and brutal at the same time. The teacher came in after the fight happened and NO ONE talked about it. School fights are just really awkward if you think about it.

I hope tomorrow goes better for everyone reading this right now. I'm not done with my homework yet so I'm gonna get off here now. I hope your days stay happy, full of joyful, smiles, hugs, and love from your friends and family. Enjoy the weather. I posted the 2nd chapter of Dylan's Hugs today it's not as good as the 1st chapter but it'll get better I promise. Enjoy everything as much as possible, and keep your dreams alive. Goodnight. :)

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