March 10th 2014

22 0 0

I woke up around 10 am this morning from a terrible nightmare that was sickening, sad, and terrifying. Let's just say I'm never going to be a female body builder. After I woke up I done my daily routine such as go to the bathroom, take out my retainer, get something little to eat, brush my hair, brush my teeth then either go lay back down or stay up. Today I decided to stay up and just draw my pain out through a picture. I told some of my close friends about my great grandmother dying at around 10:10 pm last night and then I cried for about 5 mins but that was it. I haven't cried anymore today. I got on Facebook then changed into different clothes to go to the 4-H meeting in. Mom dropped me off there and she went to Walmart. Our 4-H group made sloppy joes then after we got done making them we each got a sandwich and a cup of soda. After the meeting was over mom picked me up and we went back to Walmart to pick out a microwave since our other one just stopped working yesterday.

We got home and brought in the groceries and then plugged in the new microwave. I decided to press the popcorn button to cook the first bag of popcorn and when the time was up and the beeper sounded I opened the door, all this burned popcorn smelling smoke came rushing out. I closed the door of the microwave, then opened a window and turned on the ceiling fan, told mom about it.

We rented catching fire, watched it. I found it confusing but I also didn't get to read the book before watching the movie so that could've been why I didn't understand it. Anyway I'm not here to review movies or express my opinions I'm just doing this as an online diary thing.

I've been thinking about this more and more but I've finally decided if things get any worse around this house I'm leaving. I would tell you the location but what would be the fun in that? I'm gonna runaway eventually. I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do but it feels right to me for now. People don't understand me when I tell them this and then the reasons behind it they still don't understand so I've decided I'm not going to explain anything anymore.

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