April 1st 2014

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Guess what angels and gentleman reading. I'm happy! Happy April Fools day. I'm not happy one little bit.

I still can't get out of the dumps. I'm ultra depressed. I wrote a poem a few days ago you should all read. It's called Dirt? in my book called "Scars". That poem is a direct summary of my life for the past few weeks.

I have a 2 test tomorrow. One is in Algebra which is 1st hour and then the 2nd one is in Cultural Geography which is 6th hour. I think i'll do alright on both tests but i'm to the point of just giving up on everything. I don't want to do anything anymore. I wish I could just have someone here to hang out with me while I cried and hugged them... but I don't.

I have a beta club meeting tomorrow after school. I have a bass (fishing) club meeting Thursday. Then on Friday after school I need to discuss my poem Dirt? with my english teacher. She really enjoyed it but I just fear she's going to ask me about who it was about and how they hurt me and if I need to talk about it. I fear I'll just burst out crying.

Today I got SOAKED with rain today even though it was a 10% chance of rain it poured for about 30 mins and it stopped after me and my brother got inside from our half mile walk home. I think mother nature has bi polar this year. Tomorrow, Thursday we have a great risk of sever weather so hope for me and my family.

I hope you enjoyed my story. I forgot to tell you about morp but it was great and I can't wait til next year's morp dance. I hope you all have a great day/week, and life in general. Have good health, stories. I'm wishing you the best. Thanks for reading. :)

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