April 2nd 2014

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I turned the corner after I put my books down in 1st hour Algebra class to go ask a teacher about something and when I did I took a deep breath and seen Dylan way down on the other side of the hallway I could feel the lump in my throat already so I rushed into the bathroom, thought I was going to cry but didn't. I walked out and went back to class with my head held semi high. I sat at my desk after my test and just read my book, stared at the teacher, and wall. It was raining so it was a boring, glum day anyway. Then in English which is 2nd hour I found out that we get to write our OWN poetry! That made me happy so I started working on it right away and then I got done with it in 3rd hour elp and had nothing else to do. In 3rd hour my teacher messed up and accidentally gave me the answer key to the factoring we were learning so it's like Hahaha.

Then in 4th hour we watched a video over world war 1 which was pretty good since I love documentaries anyway and I like watching war stuff, interviews. After the bell rang for lunch I walked outside the 4th hour classroom to meet my cousin Sadie and my friend Octavies walking out of the class next to mine at the SAME EXACT TIME! It was pretty awesome. We walked down to our lockers together but before we got to our lockers this girl Robin from the next class across the hallway from our classes always yells my name then compliments me only today she said "Staci I like your outfit today!" but she said that to my cousin Sadie while she looked at Sadie too. We laughed about that for a little bit at lunch.

Octavie's boyfriend sat with us at lunch for the 3rd time ever and he really thought we were weird but that's how we are everyday so he better get used to it or move on. We had a fun lunch then I walked to my 5th hour science class where I would listen to people read paragraphs out of the science book then Mr. Mucher would talk about how his wedding ring was made out of Titanium and the told us what other things were made out of titanium too. It was interesting and sweet how he still wears his wedding ring everyday. :)

6th hour I had a map test over the middle eastern countries, and northern Africa. We got a new worksheet which we'll get time to do in class tomorrow too. I worked on my poem a little bit more after I got done with the test. I just didn't really feel motivated to work on my homework, test anymore. 7th hour p.e. we went outside to run a lap around the track and I usually don't sweat unless I'm going to be sick so then I noticed I was sweating on my face so I knew I was going to be sick. I asked the coach if I could go to the bathroom when we got back inside he said sure so I went directly there. When I came out I asked him if I could just sit down instead of playing wiffleball since I didn't feel good. He said sure so I sat down and watched the game.

I went to the beta club meeting after school then walked outside to get into the car with my mom to go home FINALLY! We got home and it started raining just like yesterday and it's supposed to rain more tomorrow and tonight. I have another fishing club meeting tomorrow morning. I got a letter in the mail inviting me to a picnic thing on the 10th of April since I got honor role last year and this year. I talked my younger friend out of cutting herself tonight. I'm just happy she trusted me enough to tell me that she felt like cutting. That was basically my whole day.

I hope you have a good day tomorrow, this week and a good life in general. Keep reading, spreading the word about my works, and most importantly keep LIVING!! I believe you'll make it past whatever you're going through right now. Vote, comment, in-box me if you want to give me advice, tips, or just want to talk. I'm told I'm a good advice giver,and a great listener. I've been through a lot in my life and I'm only 14.5 years into it.

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