March 26th 2014

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Sorry I haven't been on here lately. The teachers decided for the past few nights that they're just gonna load us down with 3 hours of homework and no class time to do it in.

I've still been trying to get over Dylan and it's not going very well but i think I found another guy to crush on and get my mind on for a little while. I finished chapter 3 to my book "Dylan's hugs" I'm really proud of that book. It's personal but fiction to me at the same time. I got to see my science test grade yesterday and the teacher said these exact words "I'm very proud of this grade. You scored the highest out of all my classes that took this test. You only missed 2 questions but that's still great!" He smiled at me and left my desk. <- That made me super happy but then I never got the time to tell my friends the great news so I'm hoping they'll read this and find out.

Today I got done with all of my homework at school and we had to write a poem about Langston Hugh's life. I think I got a good grade on it. I've just been chilling tonight just working on my books and stuff just not doing much but relaxing. I'm talking to one of my cousin's that I haven't talked to in like a year now. She's old enough to be my aunt but she's corrected me several times that she's my cousin not my aunt.

How has your day been? Comment, vote, share, spread the word about my works. Comment questions you would like me to answer or just comment or in-box me about you and your stories/ poems and I'll do my best to keep up with this diary along with my school work, other books/works. Hope you enjoyed today's entry. I'm wishing you the best of luck on any tests, homework, challenges you're facing right now or in the past to get the best view on life always. I know that's not always possible but I'm wishing you the best of days, grades, and health.

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