Chapter 1

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Rain pours down like a never ending waterfall. Making the High School look dark despite the florescent light bulbs glowing brightly. Walking to my locker to grab my books for the next class, Kyleigh and her best friend Maddison walks towards me. Great, I wonder what kind of drama they want to start with me. Still, I could always cast a spell. That's right, I am a witch. However, I would rather live a normal life then live a life knowing I am a witch. But, fate, on the other hand has a different plan for me. Sighing, I close my locker and turn around to face them. "Axel, we need to talk." Kyleigh says, displeased. 

"About what? Don't you have better things to do then to talk to me?" Kyleigh and I have been enemies since Middle School ever since I had accidentally spilled milk on her new, bright pink dress. Kyleigh looks sharp at me with her small, pointed nose high up in the air like she is the queen of the world. "I heard that you have high marks on your test that we took in class last Friday. I want whatever the prize is that you are getting. I mean, you do owe me for purposefully spilling milk on my dress back in middle school." I crossed my arms over my chest and scowled. 

"I don't owe you anything. It was an accident and even if I did get the prize, what makes you think I would give it to you?" I replied angrily. 

"Simple. I am head of the Cheerleading squad and super popular. I can make you regret anything." Kyleigh gives an evil smirk and Maddison smiles brightly. I roll my eyes and shake my head. Kyleigh's parents are super rich so she gets whatever she wants. Unfortunately for her, I don't give people what they demand of me. "Kyleigh, you can say or do whatever. I don't really care. I am not afraid of someone who bullies others because they are not happy at home." With that, I stomped off to Homeroom. Thankfully, it's the last class of the day and I can go home. I hear her mumble something behind me. I take a short glance behind me and make the water fountain burst out water and drench Kyleigh in her Cheerleading outfit. She shrieks and runs to the girl's bathroom. 

Once in my Homeroom class, I sit down in my assigned seat. I take out my homework and start working on it. I don't want to take it home simply because my parents will bug me about it. They really don't want me to go to this school but I told them I wanted to because I wanted to live a normal life. They still are not pleased with it but they deal with it for my sake. I start working on my homework. A few minutes later, Mr. Gundersun walks in and addresses the entire Homeroom. "Class, I will not be here all next week due to a family emergency. There will be a substitute all next week for this class. I expect you all  to be on your best behavior." Some of my classmates start talking among themselves. Someone taps me on the shoulder. I look up to see Bradley staring at me.

"Do you have the answer to the last history question on here? I can't seem to find it in the book anywhere."

"Yeah. What does the question ask?" I asked. 

"Ancient Egyptians do what to take the brain out of their dead?" I rolled my eyes. That is a super easy question. Apparently someone has not paid any attention in class. 

"They take a special tool to use and stick it up the nose of their dead and hook it on the brain. Once hooked onto the brain, the person who is doing the removing of the brain pulls it out through the nose." I gave him the answer and finished my homework. After awhile the bell to end the school day rang and I hurriedly went out of the classroom. I threw my books and finished homework in my locker and grabbed my backpack then headed outside. Once outside, I grabbed my bicycle and rode home. Thinking of what is waiting for me at home. I hope my mom and dad are not arguing again for the fifteenth time this week. They argue over the most smallest of things. For example, who left a cabinet door open or who forgot to put away a jar. 

I rode my bike inside the garage and locked my bike up. Walking inside the house I can hear them yelling at each other. I go to my room and close my door. My cat, Minx, jumps up on my bed and meows at me. I pet her on the head. Her black fur soft and silky at the touch. Her sapphire blue eyes staring up at me begging me to feed her. I give her some cat food and stretch out on my bed. The first couple of months of Senior year went by fairly quickly. I got up and went to my closet. I pulled out a box from the top shelf and took off the lid. I have been saving up money since I was eleven years old. I am seventeen now. dumping the cash on my bed I quickly count it. If my parents ever found out I have been saving money all this time, they would be furious. Telling me to go spend it because nature is my outlet. Once I turn eighteen, I am out of here. 

After counting my money, I put it back in the box and put it back on my shelf. Mom knocks on my door and walks in. "Hey kiddo, what are you up to?" She asks as she sits on my chair. I shrug my shoulders and start petting Minx. "I, well, your father and I have something to tell you. Would you please come downstairs so we can talk?" I nod my head and follow her downstairs. We all sit in the living room. There is an uncomfortable silence in the still air of the room. After a few moments, dad finally speaks up. 

"Your mother and I are getting a divorce. I am moving back to Montana. My old job is going to rehire me. Your mother will stay here in New York. It's up to you to decide who you want to live with." Dad sits back in the couch and sighs. Mom sits quietly as they both wait for an answer. I stand up. 

"You both are getting a divorce? Why? Arguing over more stuff that doesn't really need to be argued over? I thought you were adults, not children!!" I yelled, upset over the news and having to choose one parent over the other. 

"Sweet-" Mom starts.

"No, listen to what I have to say first. It's beyond ridiculous to argue over something so small that you end your marriage because of it. Dad, I am not living in Montana. Maybe stay with you during the summer but not actually living with you. Mom, I will live here with you but you have to agree that I can stay with dad over the summer." It was a hard choice to make. But I just can not leave mom here in New York all by herself. I ran upstairs to my room not giving them the chance to talk to me. I slam my bedroom door. Pacing the floor, I finally calm down after a few minutes. Clearing my head and trying to figure out what to do. I love both of my parents but it hurts my heart having had to choose between them. 

After a couple hours, mom hollers at me for dinner time. I come back downstairs. Mom makes the gallon of tea pour into our cups. Dad makes plates fly out and land on the table gently. I pulled out my chair and sat down. Once everything was in place, we ate dinner. "I am leaving on the first flight tomorrow morning. So I will be gone by the time you wake up." Dad says, taking a sip of tea. I look down at my food and not saying a word. After a moment of silence, mom speaks up.

"Axel, I know this must be hard for you. Please understand though, that we both think that this is best for all of us." Mom reaches over and grabs my hand. "We both love you very much. But, this is what has to happen." Standing up, I take my plate and silverware to the sink to rinse them out. I finish my tea and rinse it out as well. Before I leave the kitchen I turn around and say, "no, this is not what is best for all of us. Just the two of you. I am just caught in the crossfire." With that, I walked away. Going upstairs to my room, I close and lock my door. Not that it would do any good, but they would know I would like to be left alone. I change for bed and lay down. My mind starts to wonder. School, my parents, my future all runs through my mind like cheetahs chasing after their prey. I toss and turn. Finally I go to sleep. 

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