Chapter 16

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As we led her deeper into the timber, we stopped by the pond. James handed me my dagger, I took it out of its box. "No peeking now." I said, trying to stay cheerful. Holding the dagger up, I stabbed it into her heart. She grabs my wrist as she tries to stand. She falls to the ground, coughing on her own blood. "Why Axel?" She cried.

"Because you are not my sister. Dad told me that and he never lies to me. You are an evil enchantress. Gaining trust of your prey before attacking. That's why mom did what she had done." James slipped off the bandana revealing Sapphiras' eyes. She stared at me with hurt and hateful eyes. "You were always the clever one." She spat, then laid still. The light in her eyes gone. I sat back away from her. Crying as I did so. James sits beside me as I cried. He rubbed my back and let me continue crying. If she wasn't evil, mom could've adopted her and I could've had a sister. But, she was evil and I had to do what I had to do. I get up off the ground and pulled my dagger out of her chest. We dug a hole about six feet down in the ground and rolled her into it. She landed with a loud thud. We piled the lose dirt on her and made it look like there was nothing there.

Walking back to the house, we cleaned up all of the party stuff. I kept the presents and we all enjoyed the cake despite what had happened. I should have known something was not right. She put on a good act but I could see it in her eyes she had been lying the whole time. "Everything's done?" Lydiya asked as she cut herself another piece of cake.

"Yeah. Now, the only things we have left is graduation and me moving to Montana to live with my dad." James gets up to put away his plate. He goes upstairs and I hear him close his door. I look over at Lydiya.

"He'll be okay." She said, getting up to go to the kitchen. I clean off the livingroom table. My phone starts to ring. I sit down to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey kiddo! It's your dad. How are you doing? Did you get rid of her?" I told dad everything that had happened. I left the part out where I cried. Then, I had a thought come to mind. "Hey, dad?" I asked.


"Would you mind if I dated a werewolf? Maybe even let him move in with us if he wants to move to Montana with me?" He was quiet for a few moments. I bit my lip, hoping he would be okay with it. I heard him cough then clear his throat.

"I can't tell you who you can and can't date. That's your choice. Love does happen in mysterious ways. If he wants to move in with us, well, he better help out with stuff." I smiled big and told him thank you. We said our love you's and bye's then hung up the phone. I went upstairs to get ready for bed. Graduation is tomorrow and I have to give a speech because, somehow, I managed to become Valid Victorian. I put on some pajamas and let the air out of the air mattress. Rolling it back up, I found a couple folded up pieces of paper underneath the mattress. I picked them up and placed them on my bed. I put the air mattress up and folded the blanket to put it away. I picked up the pillow and tossed it into the closet. Sitting back on my bed, I picked up the papers and started reading. 

"My evil plan is almost complete!! I took some ingredients from the kitchen to make a deadly poison. I found a black widow and added it to the mixture. Once it sets, i'll offer her a cup of tea with the poison in it. Ha!! Then, she can join her mother who had imprisoned me as a cat all those years ago. I was just a child then, fourteen. But, she knew right off the bat who I am and what I was capable of. Then, to make matters worse, she gave me as a gift to her wretched daughter!! Who talked that baby talk to me. Anyways, my plan will begin on the day of her graduation. All I have to do is continue playing innocent." I laughed as her plan had failed. She was sixteen after all. But this does make sense after all the things she never did as a normal cat would. She would not play with any of her cat toys, or use a litterbox. I had always caught her trying to use the actual toilet. I read the second piece of paper.

"Fools!! I got them to believe me when I said I would help in the fight with Axel. I didn't do much. I mainly stayed away only jumping in when I felt like it." I crumpled up the pieces of paper and threw them away. I pulled the covers up to my chin, and curled up in a ball. Thinking of tomorrow, I thought of what I would say. The year has definitely gone by fast. I heard a knocking on my door and James creeps in. I pretend to be asleep. He creeps in and crawls in my bed behind me, laying on top of my blanket. He gently puts his arm under my head and puts his other arm around me. He slowly pulls me closer to him. I can feel the heat of his body against my back.


"Yeah?" He whispers in my ear.

"Thank you, for everything. I don't think I could've got through all of this without you." He pulled me in closer and kissed me on the top of my head.

"Go to sleep now. We have a busy day tomorrow." He says, reaching for my hand and holds it. After all of these years, questioning who I am and what I am, I finally decide on who I want to be. Who I become is my choice and I know what it is that I want. It took me a long time to figure it out. But, it took having to have someone, other then my parents, to help me decide who I am and who I want to be. I know I am not perfect in any kind of way, or even had the best childhood growing up. But, I do know that whatever I decide, that is what is going to happen. I decide my own fate. My own destiny that so many people tend to forget that they even have. The best part of all is, I get to spend time with James. The one who helped me through everything and never stopped being by my side through it all. I rolled over and leaned my head against his bare chest. The warmth touching my cold cheeks. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I was dreaming about the timber behind the school. It is not really a timber but a group of trees that have thick underbrush underneath. It has a small clearing about the size of a softball field with the sand. I dreamt James was there and we had a little picnic. We laughed and carried on like we did not have a care in the world.

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