Chapter 14

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Two months had passed since we set our plan in stone. It was the middle of March. Sitting up in bed, I turned off my alarm clock before it beeped. It's going to be a long day. Well, maybe not because the plan starts as soon as James and I go to school. Peter would be in the teachers lounge. I'd have to wait until he came out and went to his classroom to work on his paperwork. He doesn't have a class until second period. I stand up and wake Sapphira up. Walking to my closet, I pull out my black, puffy, knee length skirt. Then I pull out my quarter sleeve, red, V neck shirt. As I get dressed, I make sure I show just enough cleavage. I put my hair halfway up and curl it. My light brown hair showing hints of red and blonde in it. I put a black bow ribbon in and do my make up. I put on my black ankle boots that have a little heel on them.

Sapphira puts on a pair of black skinny jeans, and a flowy green top. Then she puts on a pair of greyish lookings boots that go up to her knees. Walking downstairs, I make sure to have my dagger in my purse. Lydiya makes us breakfast and I drink a glass of milk. "Ready?" Lydiya asked, grabbing her keys.

"Yep." I replied. The nervous feeling in my gut went away as I walked to the car. I can do this. I got this. As we got to the school, James and I walked into the building. He stayed behind me at a distance but not to far to where he could not see me. Mr. Adams walked to his classroom and I followed him. Once he was in his classroom and sat down, I entered. As soon as I entered, be looked up. This time, without the red eyes. At least, until he reconized me. "What do you want? Don't you know it's dangerous to be around someone who wants to kill you?" He asked, angrily. Time for me to play the part.

"Of course I do. But, there's something I wanted to show you before you did." I said, talking slowly. His red eyes disappeared.

"Oh? What's that?"

"You see, I'm into bad boys and somewhat older men." I said, putting my hands on his desk and slightly bending over to where I show some cleavage. He raises an eyebrow. "Do you think you could give me my final wish before you kill me? It's only fair." I climbed up on his desk and sat down.

"What final wish is that?" He asked, staring at my cleavage. I put one both legs on either side of him, keeping my skirt down as much as possible. I bend forwards a little more. He gulps.

"My final wish is for you to take me. All of me. Think you can handle that?" I pulled my shirt down a little to expose a little more of my breasts. He licked his lips. I continued. "I know a little area in the timber we can do it in. That way, we don't get caught and you could keep it up for hours if you want to." I said, trailing my fingers along his jaw, down his neck and down his shirt. I went a little lower then past his belt. I heard him moan.

"Alright, I'll give you your final wish. When would you like to do it?" He asked, a little breathless.

"Now." I replied, climbing slowly off the table to tease him and keep him in the mood. He followed me out of the classroom towards the timber. A few minutes later, we came to the clearing. He started taking off his shirt. "Undress so we can do this and get it over with. Killing you would be my ultimate pleasure." He said, kicking off his shoes. Just then, two werewolves and a tiger jumps out of the trees, attacking Peter.

"You tricked me!! You incompetent child!!!" He yelled, changing into his werewolf form. I took out my dagger, getting ready to jump in. I heard a wimper as the dark grey werewolf gets thrown and smashes into a tree. He changes back into a human and I realize it was Jaxson. I hold up my hand and aim for Peter. "Fireflame!!" I yelled, as fire flew from my hands and hit Peter straight on. Peter fell, wimpering as the flames scorched his fur and skin. The flames went away and Peter jumped my direction only to be blocked by James. Peter gets back on his feet and attacks James, tossing him into the bushes. Peter runs towards me, and pounces.

Everything went black. After a few moments, I gain my senses back. The heavy thing on me gets moved aside. James, back in his human form, stares at me with worry in his eyes. Blood covers my clothes. Making sure I was not hurt, I got up. James went over to his father. I heard him crying as he sits by his father, who lies motionless, breathless. I walked over to him and wrapped him in a hug. "I'm so sorry James." He wrapped an arm around me. We walked over to Peters body, the dagger stabbed through his heart. Sapphira uses a cloth and takes out the knife.

"What do we do with him?" She asked.

"Burn him, then bury him." James replied.

After awhile, I floated Jaxson back to the house. Lydiya starts sobbing as she watches her husband go into the ground to bury him. James hugs her close. "I'm sorry Lydiya. I never meant for him to die." She wiped away her tears.

"It's quite alright. He died for the right reasons. He made everything right when he protected you." She gives me a soft, small smile. I give her a hug. We go inside the house.

"Now what?" Sapphira asked, sitting on the couch.

"We make it through the rest of the school year." I replied. "We have a week left. So, lets start planning our graduation!!" I said, smiling. We spent the rest of the day and part of the night planning our graduation party. After we got done, we realized it was getting late. We all headed to bed. "Axel? What do you think dad would do if he sees me? Would he get to see me?"

"I think he would be happy and overwhelmed to see you. Plus, he will get to see you cause I promised him I would move in with him this summer." She smiled, and rolled over. I pulled the covers up to my chin and thought about everything that had happened that day. I smiled at my accomplishments and frowned at things I had to do to get Peter to follow me. I eventually fell asleep. I dreamt that I was in a cabin. A fireplace sat at the far end of the room with a fire burning brightly. I could smell food coming from the kitchen. I seen James take something out of the oven. He placed it on the kitchen table. I got closer to see what it was. It's Apple pie. It smells soo good. James noticed I was in the kitchen and he flashed me a smile. I smiled back and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug. That is when I noticed something strange. I stared out the window to the trees behind the cabin. Sapphira, standing by the edge of the woods, bow and arrow pointed straight our way. She let go of the quiver. The arrow shot straight threw the open window, hitting its target. James fell in my arms, bleeding everywhere. The light slowly leaving his eyes. I tried every healing spell I could but none of them worked. James died on the kitchen floor. I yelled and screamed, begging him to come back. I sat straight up in bed. It was almost two in the morning. I rolled over to see Sapphira still sleeping. I slipped my phone out of my backpack and quietly headed downstairs. I went into the kitchen and turned the light on above the sink. Sapphira couldn't do that could she? Yeah, she helped defeat Peter, but could she really kill James? I turned on my phone and went to contacts. I clicked on dad and pressed the call button. He answered. "Dad? I need to talk to you. It's important." I needed to find out the answers and he was the only one who could.

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