Chapter 11

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I could smell the scent of the ocean. Hear the waves crash against the rocks as it came to shore. Seagulls squawking at eachother as they fight for their prey. I felt the sand on my feet and in between my toes. I opened my eyes to a bright blue sky. I look around and take in the amazing scenery. Just then, I hear a voice calling my name. I get up to look around. Then I spot her, standing on the rocks with her arms open. I run to her.

"Axel, my wonderful daughter. Beware of Peter Adams. I know this message is late, but please beware of him." She continues to call out my name. I try to run to her faster but the more I do, the farther she gets from me. I reach out a hand and call back to her. But she doesn't hear me. She continues to disappear into the sunrise, still calling my name. I wake up, tears running down my face and soaking my pillows. Minx nudges her nose on my forehead, a cold touch to my burning skin. "Oh Minx, you'll always be my best friend." I stare into her eyes as I pet her on her head. She stares back, but not with the same colored eyes. I blink my eyes and hers are back to her normal color, Sapphire blue. For a moment, they looked brown. I sat up in bed. Peter Adams. That's his first name? You're right about one thing mom, your message is late. I sat up in my bed and contemplated on what I was going to wear for the day. I settled on my black sweatpants and my white t-shirt. I threw on my red flannel shirt over it, leaving it unbuttoned.  I slip on my slippers and brush out my hair.

After awhile, I go downstairs to eat breakfast. Ignoring Jaxson's intense stare at me. I make a bowl of cereal and sit far away from him as humanly possible. Well, as far as the kitchen table goes, which is not very far. Lydiya joins us after awhile and James follows behind her. I finish my cereal and put away my dishes. Not having a reason to be in the kitchen any longer, I go an sit on the couch. I stare up at a picture of James when he was a baby in his mother's arms. His dad standing beside her with an arm wrapped around her. I smiled a little bit then frowned again. "Axel, you don't have to sit by yourself. You can still sit in here with us." Lydiya calls, fixing her another plate of eggs.

"It's fine. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. That's all." I replied over my shoulder. 

"Nonsense, you're not going to make anyone uncomfortable." She motions for me to come back into the kitchen. Getting off the couch, I walk back into the kitchen and sit down in the same spot. Jaxson throws his newspaper down and gets up from the table. Leaving the kitchen, he turns and tells James and Lydiya he is going to work. He walks out of the kitchen and out the front door. James smiles at me and Lydiya rolls her eyes. "Don't worry about him. He'll come around." She said.

A couple hours later, I go back upstairs and grab my backpack. I pull out the phone my mom would have given me for Christmas. Turning it on, I found it was already activated. There was a message from mom on it. I opened it up and read, "my dear sweet daughter, you have made me so proud of who you became and how independent and strong you are. No matter how tough things get, always be strong. Continue learning your spells and always be confident in yourself. Love, mom."  Smiling, I went through the phone. Not finding anything else, I turn the phone back off and put it up. I take out the spellbook I had bought and started reading and practicing every spell in it. I have to learn these spells to protect myself and others as well as defend myself against my enemies.

It seemed like time flew by after I got done reading and practicing. I put the book away as someone knocked on my door. "Axel? It's me, Lydiya. Can I talk to you?" I open up my door and let her in. Sitting on my bed, she takes in a breath and lets it out. "You and James can date eachother. I don't mind. I honestly don't know why his father is acting like such a jerk. I mean, shit, love comes in mysterious ways. Who are we to judge?"

"Jaxson doesn't like me simply because he sees my mother in me. He thinks I'll do what my mother done years ago and hurt James. Well, he shouldn't think that but the poor, miserable teen inside of him is an incompetent, spoiled child. No offense." Lydiya bursts out laughing and Minx jumps six feet into the air. She scurries under my bed. After a few seconds of laughing, she tries to calm herself down. She stands up and goes to the door. Standing at the entrance, she turns around and looks at me.

"I'll keep you and James being together a secret. But, be warned, my husband finds things out pretty quickly." With that, she left my room. I sat back on my bed and stretched out. Three more days, then it is back to school. I write some ideas down for a plan to defeat Peter Adams. This will end, once and for all. Contemplating on ideas, I took my phone back out and turned it back on. Turning the location off and setting the volume on vibrate. I tapped on contacts and added my dads home phone number to it. I pushed the call button. The phone went straight to voicemail.

"Hey dad, it's Axel. I'm calling on my new cellphone. I wanted to tell you happy late Christmas and that I love you. I know you're probably worried about me but I'm doing ok. Dreading going back to school, but i'll be fine. Haha. Mom's funeral is in a couple weeks. If you can make it, great. If not it's ok. I'll understand. Call me when you can. Bye." I left the message and hung up. A lot is going to happen in the next few months. Between school, and James, winning the fight with Peter makes it sound like an easy task. I dug out my purse and put my phone, notepad, pens, pencils and wallet in it. James calls from the bottom off the stairs for me to join them in the livingroom. Jaxson, back from work, sits on the chair holding papers. Lydiya sits on the couch next to James. I take the empty chair across from them. Still keeping my distance from Jaxson.

"Here are the plans for defeating Adams. Before we start, anybody have questions?" Jaxson asks, putting the papers on the table.

"His first name is Peter. My mother told me that in my dream I had last night."

"Peter? Are you sure?" Jaxson asks, staring at me with conviction.

"Yes." Jaxson stays silent for a few moments. Lydiya pours some tea in our cups and hands them out. I hold mine in my hands, enjoying the warmth it lets out on my cold hands. Jaxson speaks up again. "The only way to kill a demon werewolf is not only by silver, but by gold. Pure silver and gold. You could strike him anywhere, leave a scratch even, and he would fall where he stands."

"Where would we get something like that?" James asked.

"I think I may have something. It was my mothers. I never touched it or anything. It stays in its velvet box." I replied, taking a sip of tea.

"What would that be?" Jaxson asked, with a slight attitude.

"A knife. It looks like a smaller version of a sword. It has a gold handle with a silver blade. Gold runs alongside the edges and down the middle." All eyes stare at me as if I explained we were all going to die in a massive brain explosion. Lydiya clears her throat after awhile.

"Where is it?" She asked, her voice sounding raspy.

"In one of my boxes that I never unpacked. I brought it with me so that I could send it or give it to my dad in person."

"Go get it." Jaxson demanded. I set my tea down and went upstairs. Opening my closet door, I stand up on my tiptoes to reach it. I pulled the box down and set it on my bed. Opening my box, I pulled out the purple velvet box. Minx, noticing I took it out, hissed and tried to knock it out of my hands. She kept attacking until I hid it behind my back. I slowly backed away. That was weird. Minx never does that any other time. What is wrong with her? I went back downstairs.

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