Chapter 19

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The next morning was a long one. After packing the remaining of my clothes and James packing up his, we finally headed back downstairs. We put our stuff into Lydiya's car. Lydiya made us some breakfast and fixed our plates full of pancakes. James made sure we both had our plane tickets and Lydiya made sure we had everything packed and ready to go. After breakfast, we talked for a little bit. "Lydiya, my mom's car, I want you to have it. It has four wheel drive and all of the safety features. It also has heated seats."

"That's sweet, but I can't take your mom's car. She left that to you." I held up my hand.

"I have saved up money since I was eleven years old. Plus, I also have the money mom left me. I have enough to buy my own vehicle plus pay for a year's rent if I decide to get a place of my own there in Montana. Plus extra." I said, not taking a no for an answer. She finally accepted it and drank her Orange juice. That bad feeling had come again but I had ignored it. We continued chatting about our plans for Montana and when we would be able to visit. She made sure to add that if anything happened between James and I that she will make sure to find a way to bring James back home. Nothing will ever happen between us. Fate brought us together. Forbidden hearts had found a way to be together and that's how they'll stay. I smiled at the thought and took a quick sip of my Orange juice. We piled into Lydiya's car and drove off. I looked back at the house to see it one last time. That's when I caught two red eyes glaring at me from the edge of the trees. The bad feeling had came again.

I lifted up my hand and pointed a finger at the direction of the glowing red eyes. Memoralis Extremis. I whispered the spell as the house and glowing red eyes disappeared. I turned around in the seat and leaned my head against the window. I stared up at the clouds and watched the buildings go by as we passed them. Goodbye New York. I thought. James turned on the music and we listened to Rock it by some male artist. I do not remember the name. "You both have your passports, correct?" Lydiya asked.

"Yes." We both replied.

"I'll drop you both off and say goodbye then I'm gonna go where I can watch you fly off." Lydiya says, as we pull into the Airport. She pulls up to the front of the building and James and I grab our stuff. We say our goodbyes and then we head inside to go where we need to. There sure are a lot of people. I thought, as we walked pass a whole bunch of people. We finally made it to the front desk. We showed the lady our tickets and she pointed in the direction we needed to go. "Here we go." I said, looking nervous at James. He holds my hand and Start walking towards the plane. It looks soo much bigger then it does half way up in the sky. My stomach churns as we walk up to the steps that lead up to the entrance of the plane. The bags person takes our things and puts them in the cargo holder. James squeezes my hand as we go up the steps. I'm a witch, I shouldn't be afraid of super high heights. I mentally kicked myself and quickly went up the steps to find our seats. Luckily we were first class so we did not have to be separated or squished together. The flight attendant helped us find our seats and we sat down. James, sitting down facing me, grabs a menu. "Try to eat or drink something. It'll calm your nerves." He said, noticing how I was trembling.

I grabbed a menu and went over it. I finally settled for a bottle of water and some animal crackers. I don't want anything heavy on my stomach. After a few moments, the flight attendant brought us our snacks. The flight Captains voice came over the intercom.

"Good afternoon everyone and thank you for boarding New York Flight. We are getting ready for take off so please buckle your seatbelts and have a nice flight." He turned off the intercom and we did as we were told. Feeling nervous again, I started eating my animal crackers and stared at James. The airplane took off and we were in the air in ten minutes. I looked out the window. Wow, everything seems soo small from up here. The clouds even look different from up here. "Wow, this is amazing." I said.

"Yeah, you are." James said, looking at me. I looked over at him and smiled.

"I hope dad is waiting for us. This is going to be a long flight."

"You can call him once we land." James said, eating an apple.

"I'm glad your mom let you leave with me." I said, drinking my water.

"Me to. But she knows we had to leave the coop anyway."

"Yeah, plus I think she thought your dad was being unfair over the whole forbidden thing."

"like I said, when forbidden hearts come together there is no way you can tear them apart. Some things are just meant to be." I smiled at him. I reclined my seat back and closed my eyes. Even though I am still a little nervous about being on an airplane, I took a nap to try and calm my nerves. I dreamt of dad, James and I outside enjoying the sun. We played in the pool and had a cookout. James would turn into a werewolf and bring us a deer to cook. Sometimes it was pheasants and other times it would be ducks. Then, my perfect dream turned into a nightmare as I seen her. Sapphira hiding in the shadows waiting to attack. She sprang towards my dad then towards James with her hands. I jerked awake, trying not to scream. She's dead. You stabbed her in her heart and buried her. She's not alive. I kept telling myself she is dead and I looked out the window at the night sky. James had fallen asleep and I turned on the small light above my head. I waved down the flight attendant. She came over. "What time are we landing in Montana?" I asked.

"In about seven hours." She replied. "Is there anything I could get you?"

"Do you have any blankets?"

"Yes, we do. I'll be right back." She walked off and I got comfortable. I stared over at James. His black hair, in a mess, fell across his eyes as he slept. I watched his breathing until the flight attendant came back. She held out the blanket to me and helped me get wrapped up in it. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. Is there anything else you need?" I shook my head. "Alright." She walked off. I turned off the light above my head. I stared into the darkness then closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

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