Chapter 9

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I hop in the shower getting ready for my date tonight. I try to focus on it instead of the horrible feeling. Climbing out of the shower, I wrap the towl around my head. I put on a pair of black jeans with silver snowflake jewels going down the lenth of my legs. I put on a long sleeve, red velvet top. Walking back to my room, I find my black ankle boots that do not have the heal on them. Doing up my makeup, I take off the towl. Making sure my bedroom door was closed shut all the way, I used my drying spell on my hair. I put on my mom's locket and put a black headband on my head. I grab my purse and coat. Going downstairs, James met me at the bottom.

"My dad is back at work, and mom is taking a nap. She already knows I'm taking you out to eat."

"Ok." I follow James out to my mom's old car and get in. He turns the key and I instantly feel heat blowing out of the vents. We drive off. "James? Why does your dad not like witches for?" I asked after awhile. We turned a corner and kept going straight.

"Dad had fallen in love with a witch many years ago. But, one day, she got pregnant by her boyfriend that she had and dad did the unthinkable." He replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

"What was it?"

"Dad broke his promise to her that he would always be there for her no matter what. He left her and never trusted any witches because of it. He thinks that witches use you and then throw you out when they don't need you anymore." We come up to the restaurant Charmae and park in the parking lot. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I think about what he had said. Walking inside, a waiter guides us to a small booth in the back. We take our seats and look over the menu. After a few moments, the waiter comes back and asks us what we would like to drink.

"I'll have a glass of sweet tea." I said, still looking at the menu.

"I'll have a Pepsi." James replied. The waiter leaves our table then comes back with our drinks.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked, holding his pen and notepad.

"Uh, yeah. I'll have the pork steak, mashed potatoes, and corn. Some w
Sweet rolls as well." James replied, handing over his menu.

"I'll just have the lobster, with melted butter and a salad with Ranch." I handed back the menu and the waiter walked away. I took a couple of sips of my tea. Sitting back in the seat, I catch James staring at me. He smiles and takes my hands in his.

"Back to what you said, about your dad not trusting witches, did he ever say the name of the witch?" I asked.

"Addalie." Sitting back in my seat, it finally dawnes on me. His dad fell in love with my mom before she got pregnant by my dad. I remember now. It should have clicked earlier when he said his dads name. Mom only mentioned it a few times when I was little. I take another sip of my drink. I told James what I had concluded. He sat back, disbelieving.

"Come on, James. My mother's name is Addalie. She used to be friends with Jaxson until he betrayed her by breaking his promise to her. That's why I get a sinking feeling in my gut everytime I'm near him. He may see my mom in me." James shakes his head. He takes a drink of his soda and sits back in the seat. "Only one way to find out." I added.

The waiter brought us our food. James dug into his and I nitpicked mine. I could not eat knowing what I just now realized. "Axel, set aside our parents for now, what are we gonna do about school? We're pretty much dating now."

"If the school finds out we're together, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I am a witch after all." I gave him a wink and broke into the lobster shell.

"Yeah, you're right, he chuckled. "Guess the whole "following you around like a lost puppy dog" worked huh?" I smiled and nodded my head. We continued eating our dinner. After we ate, James paid the bill and I got ready to leave the restaurant. Walking to the car, I freeze in my tracks. Staring at the car, somebody had wrote, "it's still not over!!" James, wondering what I was staring at, looked at the hood of the car. Tears forming in my eyes, James used napkins he had taken from the restaurant and cleaned it off. He helped me inside the car and we sped home. Shaking, I ran upstairs. Minx, curled up in a ball on my pillow, was snoring away peacefully. I calmed down. Who knew cats could snore? I changed into my pajamas. James walkes into my room holding a cup out to me filled with hot chocolate. I gladly take the cup.

"I think it's time we tell your parents what's going on. If anything happens to Minx, i'll be devastated." I've had Minx since she was a little kitten. She had just turned eight weeks old when mom handed her to me two years ago on Christmas day. I look up at James who wiped off his mouth.

"I agree, but lets tell them in the morning." I nodded my head in approval and draines the last bit of hot chocolate I had out of my cup. I hand it over to James and he takes them back downstairs. I crawl into bed and move Minx aside. She meows at me before cuddling up to my neck. I pull the covers up to my chin. I slowly drift off to sleep.

"Keep running!!! Don't look back!!!" The wolf howls, running along side me. I hear more wolves in the distance. All howling their own howls. I pick up pace, narrowly missing a tree. My heart thumping hard against my chest. It feels like it is going to burst out of my chest any second. The wolf guides me forwards. I have to get out of here but how? Use your broom or fight. It's a fight or flight situation. I try to speak, but my throat is dry. I try yelling, and still nothing.

"Come on!! Keep going!! Faster!! Whatever you do, do not look back!!" I keep on running. Running until I feel like I am flying. Will I ever know what or who is chasing me? Also, for what reason?

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