Chapter 12

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Once downstairs, I told of my experiance I had with Minx. "She's never acted like that before. Then I hide this behind my back and she's back to normal."

"Then she isn't a normal cat." James said, crossing his arms.

"How's that?" I asked, giving him a confused look.

"I don't know. But cats never have that kind of reaction unless it's something that they take as a threat or is scared off." He explained, sitting back down. I laid the box gently on the table and opened it up. The blade was an inch thick, and six inches long. The handle was an inch thick and 5 inches long. I carefully took it out and held it my hand. "It's definitely got weight to it but I can use it if need to."

"Good, because you'd be the only one using it. It has silver in it so me and dad can't use it. Plus, it looks small enough to hide in your backpack." James said, scooting as far back as he can away from the miniature sword. Even Jaxson looked worried. I laughed.

"Don't worry, if I was gonna use it on one of you, i'd have done so already." I said, smirking. I placed the knife back in its box carefully and closed the lid on it. James and Jaxson both relaxed. "Now about this plan?" I continued.

"Ah, yes. Uh, the plan. Right." Jaxson said, trying to relax some more and having trouble with it. "We'll need to lure him away from the school. There's a small clearing in the timber behind the school. We would have to figure out how to lure him out there. I'll be waiting in the clearing. I'll be in my werewolf form. James, you will need to as well but be close enough to Bella if anything happens before hand. Now, Anybody have any ideas on how to lure him out?" We thought for awhile. Lydiya refilling our cups.

I stood up. Be brave, Axel. I told myself. "I can lure him out. All I have to do is tell him I want to show him something. Tell him that it's important and that I think he'd be the only one to handle it."

"Not a bad idea." Lydiya said, after being quiet for a few minutes. "Try being seductive though. That may increase your chances of him following you."

Both James and I said "gross" at the same time. I looked at James then back to Lydiya. "The only time I see him is during Homeroom."

"Lydiya does have a point. Now, moving on, planning on when to attack." We continued talking about the plan. Seduction? I'm not good at flirting!! Especially acting like I would have to. I could feel my stomach heave and I held on to my stomach. But, I need to do this in order to protect the ones I love and the people in this town. After awhile, we end the discussion and Lydiya goes to start dinner. I pick up the velvet box and head back upstairs. James follows behind me.

Once in my room, Minx cowers in the far corner of the room once I take the knife back out of the box. I find its leather holster and stick it in there. I open my purse and put it in one of the big pockets. "James, i'm not exactly comfortable with having to pretty much be seductive towards a stranger let alone that person trying to kill me."

"Everything's gonna be fine. Alright? Werewolves, even demon werewolves, know better then to attack where there are witnesses. Besides, I'll be close by to protect you in case anything happens." He pulled me close to him and I laid my head against his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and laced my hands together. We held eachother for a few minutes then pulled away. "Whatever happens, I promise to protect you." James gets on his knees in front of me. "It is my solemn oath." I smiled and took his hands in mine.

Later on, Jaxson knocks on our door. "Come in." Jaxson comes in and stands by the doorway. "I know I've been acting like an ignorant, thickheaded ass. But, every time I see you, I see your mother. You look just like her when she was your age."

"Why did you start hating her after she got with my dad?" I asked, fiddling with a lose string on my shirt.

"It wasn't that I was mad at her, I was mad at myself and I blamed your mother for everything. But, I still don't trust her after what she had done. Why I don't trust witches at all." I gave him a confused look.

"You and your mother both share the same dark secret, yet you don't remember it. You were five at the time. Still learning to control your magic." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "I had a brother many years ago. He was a werewolf just like me. One day, while your mother was teaching you defensive spells, my brother came along. Addalie left you to practice your magic and talk to my brother, Levi. That's where James got his middle name from. Anyways, something went wrong when you were practicing and you accidentally hit Levi, killing him. Addalie kept it hidden from me for years. Always said he had to go someplace or another. I never trusted her since."

Tears filled my eyes as I thought back to when I was five. Having fun practicing magic and then hearing a loud thud hit the ground. Mom screamimg, me crying, both running towards Levi to make sure he was ok. "Mom told me to keep it a secret." I said, clearing my throat. "She said that you didn't need to know. She made me promise." I burst out in tears. "I'm soo sorry." I said, sobbing. Jaxson put his head in his hands.

"That's why I don't want you dating James. I don't want him hurt and no persuasiveness will work on me." With that, he left my room closing the door and left me in tears. That memory was hidden in the back of my mind, completely forgotten. Now, it's a fresh cut of an open wound since he brought that up. Stupid girl. You should've remembered something like that. I got done crying and looked at Minx. Then, remembering how her eyes looked and her reaction to the knife, I closed and locked my door and locked my windows. I grabbed Minx by the back of her neck. Sitting her on my bed, I pointed my finger at her. "Revealium totamatum instatum." I hissed. Minx flopped on my bed hissing. Her hissing then sounded like groans of pain. Instantly Minx was no longer a cat as she lay naked on my bed curled up in a ball. I grabbed my robe and threw it over her. "Explain yourself. Now." I ordered. The girl sat up. Her long, black hair falling down. The tips of her hair hit the bed like mine does. Her blue eyes, staring up at me, full of fright and tears. She started to speak.

"My name is Sapphira Stone. Your sister." Thinking she was lying, I pointed my finger at her.

"I don't have a sister!! WHO ARE YOU!!" I screached. Causing James and his parents to burst through my door, breaking the lock. They all stared dumbfounded at the girl sitting on my bed with nothing on but my robe. "I'm not gonna ask you again." I said, angrily.

"I am telling the truth. Mom turned me into a cat the day I was born. Giving me to you as a Christmas gift. Didn't mom and dad ever tell you why they got a divorce?" I slowly put my hand down.

"Go on."

"When dad found out about it he got mad. He started yelling at mom. Mom yelled back and it continued until you got home. Think about it Axel."

"Why would they turn you into a cat?" James asked, standing beside me.

"Because mom realized I was not a witch. But I can transform into any animal I want. I only chose to stay a cat to stay with Axel and our parents." Sapphira explained, wiping away the tears. Lydiya walked up to her and sat beside her. Jaxson, stood where he was, lost in thought.

"If you really are my sister, then tell me this. Why did you wait so long to show yourself, that I had to force you to change from a cat?"

"Mom put a spell on me to keep me this way. Then, you broke the spell."

"Jaxson? What are going to do? I doubt Peter knows about her but she's just as much in danger as Axel is." James said after a few moments.

"She'll stay here until there is no more danger." He replied, "then she'll go with Axel to live with their dad. I'm sure he would love to see his daughter as a human again." Jaxson walked off. I closed my door behind him. I got to thinking. She can turn into any animal at will. She's a shapeshifter. I turned around and stared at her, my mind rolling around in my thoughts.

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