Chapter 13

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Still standing by my bedroom door, I had a thought cross my mind that seemed to be a good one. First off, I pulled out a pair of my skinny jeans, green t-shirt, a pair of socks, and underclothes and tossed them to Sapphira. "Go into the bathroom and change into these. Come straight back here when you're done." She caught the clothes and stood up. She stumbled a little before she found her balance and started walking to the bathroom. I turned around and faced Lydiya and James. "I know it's a long shot, but if she can turn into any animal she chooses, she just might be able to help with the fight."

"You'd be putting her in danger." Lydiya said, her voice rising.

"Again, any animal she chooses. She could turn into a dragon for all we know. She could be our secret weapon. We have the upper hand since Peter doesn't know about her." They contemplated about what I said. Sapphira walked back into the bedroom. The clothes fit her, despite being a little loose on her. I told her what I told James and Lydiya. She laughed.

"A dragon? Really? No, I can't change into that. But I can change into anything you want me to be. Even a dog." She replied, handing me my robe. I took it from her and hung it up.

"Would you be willing to fight to keep your sister safe?" Lydiya asked.

"Of course. She practically raised me. It's the least I can do for her." She sat back down on my bed. I sat in the chair crossing my arms across my chest. I told her about the plan and how we were going to do it.

"By the way, how old are you?" I asked.

"Sixteen. Well, will be in a couple of days." She replied, fidgeting with her hair.

"Well, unfortunately, we won't be able to celebrate it on time but we will once everything's said and done." I said, putting my head down.

"It's ok." She replied. Lydiya stood up and stretched out.

"I'll get the air mattress, a pillow and a blanket for her to sleep on in here." Lydiya says as she makes her way out of the room.

"Well, think i'll head to bed. Tomorrow is school after all." James gave me a quick hug and kiss and said night to Sapphira. Lydiya came back in and set the air mattress up. Saying goodnight, she left the room as well. I closed the door behind her and got ready for bed. I tossed Sapphira a pair of pajamas. I climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin and curled up in a ball.

"Can you change eye color as well??" I asked her, remembering how they were brown before.

"Yeah." She replied, sleepily.

"Well, at least you can have decent meals now." I told her, chuckling. She laughed and rolled over on her side. After a few moments of quiet, we fell asleep.

The next morning was hectic as we tried to get everything ready for school. Our plan was not set in stone due to Sapphira. We had to figure out what she could do to help in the fight. Lydiya drove James and I to school. Leaving Sapphira home alone due to her never been in school before and because she is our secret weapon. As normal, people talk about James and how cool he is. They even talk about how they wonder why he follows me around, never leaving my side. After awhile, it started to get annoying. Kyleigh and Maddison walk up to me. Oh joy, I thought she learned her lesson about not leaving me alone. I closed and locked my locker.

"Are you and James a thing?? If so, you need to break up with him. He is soo out of your league." Kyleigh scoffs. I look straight into her eyes.

"What's it to you? He obviously chose me. Besides, whether we were dating or not, it's none of your business. So back off and leave me and my personal life alone." I tried to walk away but Kyleigh blocks my exit.

"Look, you little bitch. I'm gonna steal him away and there's nothing you can do about it." Flipping her hair, her and Maddison walks off. James laughs behind me. I turn around face him.

"The fact she thinks she can steal me away from you is funny. I don't like women who are full of themselves and only care about themselves. It shows trashiness I guess you could say." He smiles at me as we walk to our classrooms.
"Well, glad I'm one of the lucky ones who got you." I smiled back.
The day seemed to go on forever. I kept thinking of mom in my dream I had. I really miss her. I'm glad she's not in anymore pain or is suffering though. I doodled in my notebook. Finally, the lunch bell rang and I could go see James. Making my way to the cafeteria, I spot Kyleigh talking to James. I hide behind a door and listen in.

"You know James, I could always make your wildest dreams come true." Kyleigh says, taking her finger and slowly moving it down the front of his shirt.

"No, Kyleigh. I already have someone else." He says, anger creeping up in his voice.

"Who, Axel? She's weird, has no friends, and she's ugly. Why would you want to be with someone like her?"

"She has a heart of gold, and cares about people. Her personality is amazing, she goes out of the way for people. She thinks of others instead of just herself. She's beautiful, kind, and loving. I'd choose her over you any day. Even if you were the last female on Earth, I'd still choose her." My heart melted when I heard him say that. I could see Kyleigh's face getting red with anger.

"You're making a huge mistake hanging around her." Kyleigh spat. I snuck up behind Kyleigh.

"No, you're making the mistake by being near him." I said, making Kyleigh jump. She turned around and I punched her in her face, causing her to lose her balance and fall. I walked over her and took James by the arm. We walked into the cafeteria together.

We grabbed our trays with food and sat down at our usual table, just the two of us. "So, why does Kyleigh hate you so much?" He asked, biting into his sandwhich.

"I accidentally spilt milk on her new dress back in middle school." I replied, taking a drink of water.

"That's childish of her to hold that against you."

"Yeah, well, what do you expect from a snobby, spoiled brat?" We laughed and continued eating lunch. After lunch, we walked to our next classes. Luckily, my English teacher, Mrs. Young let us use our time as a study hall. She was behind on her paperwork. I used my time wisely and finished up my homework. When I finished early, I helped Mrs. Young with anything she needed help for. After the bell rang, Mrs. Young gave me a piece of candy for helping her with what she needed to have done. I thanked her and accepted the candy. It was a mini Hersheys chocolate bar.

Finally, the last class of the day was here. I met James at my locker. I opened it up to put my stuff up and grabbed my purse. "Ready?" He asked, closing and locking my locker for me.

"Yeah. I just keep my head down and pass notes to you." He smiled as we walked to Homeroom together.  When we got there, I was greeted with the same pair of red eyes until James walked in behind me. Then Mr. Adams looked down and acted like he was busy looking at something. I sat at my usual seat with James sitting behind me. We kept passing notes to eachother the whole time we were in there. I need to be brave for the sake of my mother. The sake of my sister. Also, for the sake of James and his parents. I can't let any of them down. None of them. I thought to myself. Finally, the bell to end the school day rung and James and I hurriedly left the classroom and out of the building. Lydiya was there to pick us up and we hopped into the car.

When we got home, I went directly upstairs. My sister greeted me with a smile. "Come downstairs." I told her, as I put my purse on the floor taking out the dagger. I think that's a better name to call it. We went downstairs, Sapphira three steps ahead of me. We all met up in the livingroom. Jaxson, not looking pleased, sat on the couch. Lydiya beside him and James beside her. "Sapphira, I want to know why you're afraid of this." I held up the dagger.

"It has gold in it. I'm allergic to the real gold." She replied, staring at the dagger. I sat it down on the table.

"As much as I don't want to flirt with Peter, I know I have to in order for us to destroy him. But please, don't die because of me. I've had enough deaths in my life, I don't need more."

"We promise." Lydiya replied. We went over the plan and added Sapphira to it. Once everyone knew their parts, we set the plan in stone.

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