Chapter 3

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The next morning I wake up to the sun shining brightly in my face. I roll over and let my eyes adjust to the morning light. I then realized I fell asleep on the couch. I sit up in another puddle of sweat. I sigh heavily and repeat what I did yesterday morning. Just minus reading and responding to messages since I do not have any. Then I went back downstairs and sat on the couch. Mom sits in a chair across from me. Her feet tucked underneath her as she drinks some coffee and reads a book. The phone rings. Mom answers it and after a few seconds, she hands it to me. "It's Aqua." She says sitting back down. I put the phone to my ear and say hello. "Axel? Hey, how are you?" she asks.

"I'm doing pretty good. Just woke up. You?"

"I'm okay. Like you, I've just woken up as well. Living in Missouri reminds me of New York." She laughs. "So, how's everything going??" I tell her what had happened yesterday but leaving out my nightmares that I had. I do not want her to worry or mom worry. Besides, they are just nightmares right??

"Oh wow. Sounds really scary." Aqua replied quietly, "still, werewolves don't exist so you have nothing to worry about."

Our conversation goes on for a few hours. Then I remember the books I had bought yesterday. I wanted to read about the werewolves and practice magic as well. Telling Aqua I have to go, I have chores to do, I hang up the phone. I get started on my chores. Trying to concentrate and I am unable to. Those dark eyes flashing through my mind. Why can I not forget that? Why do I keep remembering it??

After awhile I get done with chores and mom heads to work. Home alone, I go upstairs and start reading about werewolves. The first book I grab talks about how there are different kinds of werewolves. The first kind can walk on their hind legs like a human. They change into a werewolf when there is a full moon outside. The second kind can transform at will and be as large as a bear if not bigger. The third kind looks like a normal wolf but has stronger abilities then a normal wolf. Its jaws can bite up to five hundred pounds of pressure. Its claws like sharp knives that can cut deep into your skin like butter. I remember the werewolf in my dreams. How it looked just like a normal wolf. I put the book up.

The next werewolf book I picked up told me of the different diets each werewolf has and how dangerous they can be if anyone walked alone at night. They are not known to attack humans but there have been some reports that humans were attacked. In an interview one witness has told Sunrise News that "these creatures hunt down their prey and when they attack, they show no mercy." Many people have been skeptical about them. One person has said that "creatures like these do not exist. Stop living in some fairytale you've read as a child." Regardless, werewolves, rather real or not are very dangerous and nobody should go near them.

I put the book up. I took a deep breath and let it out. I grabbed the spell book and opened it up. The first spell seemed simple to use. Just wave my hand clockwise three times and say the words cleanliness maximum. I stood up and followed the instructions. Instantly my room dusted itself, garbage thrown away, bed made and everything was nice and neat. "Think I'm going to keep that spell in mind." I said out loud to myself. I skimmed through the book. I came across another spell. This spell is a little difficult and it is supposed to protect you from anything. I hold out my hand and say "protecro shieldium." A bright silver light protrudes out of my hand and wraps itself around me. Shielding me. A little hard. Ha, this is easy. I am a level twenty witch thanks to my mom who is so hard on me.

I put the book away. Done with studying for now. Lunch time has come and I am hungry. I start having a weird gut feeling in my stomach. Not because I am hungry but because something is about to happen. Whether it happens today or tomorrow, I can only expect it to happen soon. Unlike my mother, I can not see the future. She can see the future but in her old age, she is losing her ability to look beyond the present. I eat a light lunch. The phone starts to ring and I get up to answer it. "Hello?" I ask, with a mouthful of grapes.

"Axel? Hey, it's your dad." Trying not to choke on a grape I manage to say hey back. "Axel, is your mother around?"

"No, she went to work. Why??" I asked, curious.

"I was going to ask her if it was possible if I could have you over this Christmas." I take a sip of my herbal tea and sit down on the couch. "Can you have her call me back?"

"Yeah, I'll let her know when she comes home and have her call you back." I hang up the phone after saying bye. I take a deep breath. It really is boring being home alone. Especially on a Sunday. I decided to clean the house. Using the spell I learned, I walked into each room and cleaned it. Once everything was cleaned I still had an hour until mom came back home. It has definitely been a long day. I go stretch out on my bed. Minx jumps up and lays on my stomach. My gut feeling is still there. Wondering what it could be about, I slowly drift off to sleep.

A few hours later I wake up to hearing noises downstairs. I look at the clock. Five thirty in the evening. Mom has been home for two hours now. I go downstairs. Peeking around the kitchen doorway I spot mom stirring something over the stove. I sneak up behind her and give her a huge hug. "Oh!" Mom says, startled. She turns around and hugs me back. "What's with the hug?" She laughs while turning to face the stove again.

"Dad called."

"Oh? What about?" She asked, not looking up.

I take a deep breath. "He wants you to call him back to discuss if he could have me over for Christmas this year." Mom drops her spoon on the counter and grabs the hand towel to wipe off her hands. After a few moments she turns around and looks at me.

"I will call him back but I will not allow you to go and stay with him for Christmas. We had decided on Summer and Summer only." She turned around and turned off the stove signaling that the conversation was over. I sit down as she gives me a bowl of Chicken soup. I quickly eat my soup, the broth burning my throat as I do so. After dinner, I clean off my bowl and spoon and race upstairs. I collapse on my bed and cry. Mom is so unreasonable and I know she will not let me stay with him. Not even for the summer. I cry myself to sleep.

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